chapter 26

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Harry's POV:

I walk out the back door of the hotel so that we wouldn't get mobbed. Ally's following me, I turn around to see her hazelnut brown hair flowing... like the girls in the shampoo commercials. She smiles when her eyes meet mine, God she's perfect. If Niall hadn't been the one to find her...  If she would've fallen in love with me, but that's the problem. She didn't. She loves Niall, and only Niall and that's been proven. That's the hard part about falling in love with your Best friend, you know everything about them, you know that her favorite perfume is Marc Jacobs, you know that even though daises are her favorite flower she's allergic to them and how chrysanthemums are a close second, you know that when she falls for someone she falls hard... and once she's fallen there's no getting her back up on her feet, you know that she loves you more than anything ... but she'll never love you the way she loves him.

"umm so where exactly are we going?" she asks, pushing her hair behind her ears. The air is humid, and there are puddles everywhere. "I told you It's a surprise... and it wouldn't be much of a surprise if I told you now would it?" I slightly smirk. "But Harry, my hair Is getting wet and frizzy" she complains, and playfully stomps her feet making water go everywhere. "Well now my pants and shoes are wet. I guess we'll both just have to deal with it now" I say as she puts her hair up in a ponytail. "oh yeah because those boots are soo lovely!" she says sarcastically rolling her eyes and crossing her arms. " yeah I know right! I think it's time to buy a new pair" I say examining my torn up boots. "hah you think?" she responds. We cross the street, and walk to a little barn. I stop at the front, and check to see if anyone is there. "Harry what are we doing at a barn?" she asks looking around. "what do you think we're doing at a barn. we've come to milk cows" I say gesturing at the cows eating in the corner. "I- I don't milk cows" she says with a look of disgust on her face. "I was kidding. clearly you haven't heard of sarcasm" I say laughing at her. " and clearly you haven't really learned how to use it well" she snaps back walking further into the barn. She stops at one stall, and starts petting the horse. "You like horses?" I ask, opening the door to one stall, leading the horse out to put the saddle on. "yeah, I use to ride with my dad before he- you know" she says trying to change the subject "you ride?" she asks... with a surprised look on her face. "yes I ride. why? is that so hard to believe?" I say as I tie the horse's rope to the pole. "well you don't really seem like the type of person who rides horses" I open the stall door of the horse she was playing with. "I use to ride in Cheshire with Gemma all the time, she loves it. now come over here and put the saddle on your horse. I say gesturing my head toward the tall white, horse standing next to me. "Harry I'm not riding a horse right now" she says as she closes the door. "and why not? are you scared?" I say mocking her. "no I am not scared! I'm wearing 5 inch heels... I don't think you use those to ride a horse" she walks over to me, and looks down at her shoes. I walk around the barn for a little bit... looking for something she could use instead of her heels. I look in the closet and I find it. "fine then, if you don't want to ruin your precious heels, then use these." I say lifting up a pair of dirty rubber boots. She walks over to me, puts her hand on my shoulder for support, takes her heels of one by one and puts the boots on. "you didn't think I would do it, did you?" she exclaims, a smirk starting to build on her face. She jumps onto the horse, throws one leg over, unties the rope and rides out of the barn. "Well, what are you waiting for? c'mon tough guy" she nods her head towards the field. I jump onto the horse and follow her. "where to now?" she asks.

"I have no idea, I've never really been here before." I saw shrugging my shoulders. "so you're saying that we just stole two horses from a barn... to go somewhere we don't even know" she says. "yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. don't be so hard headed... let yourself go for a while. just follow me" the horse starts running, and Ally's horse starts to run behind. We approach a lake, big enough to swim in, small enough to fit one little sail boat. The air feels warm, the sun is setting, the leaves in the trees are blowing. "it's beautiful isn't it" she says staring at the sunset. "yeah, it really is" I answer getting off the horse, I tie the rope to a tree branch and Ally does the same. I walk towards the grass and sit where the water meets the grass. "have you ever gone swimming in a lake?" I ask her, she looks at me in confusion. "uh well I mean like once at a summer camp in key west, that's about it" she says looking into the water. "would you do it again?  like you wouldn't be grossed out?" I ask, taking my boots and socks off. "uhh I would if I had a bathing suit.... I'm not going skinny dipping with you Harry" she says her face flushing, "woah! I didn't ask you to! get in your clothes, just take the boots off obviously. "no Harry I'm not going swimming in this lake" she says walking away. I run up grab her by her waist, spin her around and throw her In the water. A high pitched scream comes out as she hits the water. We both start laughing hysterically. I run into the water, and it's as cold as ever. "I cannot believe you just did that! what the hell is wrong with you?" she splashes water in my face and starts giggling. "oh my God this water is so fucking cold. I cant, I'm getting out" I say as my body starts to shiver. "wow look at who's scared now" she says mocking me as I shiver out of the water. "I'm not scared, I'm just cold!" I say in a childish voice, she walks out of the water and rubs her arm. "holy crap, it is cold." she says laying down on the grass next to me. "so what are you going to do?" I ask "what do you mean?" she says letting out a sigh. "oh. I don't know to be honest. I like to let things unfold themselves rather than forcing them to happen you know?" she asks. The sky is turning into a deeper blue, the horses are moving around. I look at her, she's staring at the sky. "Harry, why do you do that?" she asks me. I'm a bit confused with the question. "come again?" "you know, you start staring at me... thinking I don't notice but I actually do" she looks over at me, I feel my cheeks start to slowly turn red. "we uhh better get back to the hotel, I don't want them thinking we're lost or anything" 

{soo I know I know I've updated twice in one day! I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I just thought that the last chapter was a bit... short so yeah. k byee ily guys soo much. please vote and comment  <3 }

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