Chapter 21

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"Yes my Prince Charming, take me away go my castle"

Zayn stands up, grabs her by the waist, lifts her up and spins her around. Everyone is still cheering and Perrie starts tearing up. Niall grabs my hand and squeezes it, he places a kiss on the tip on my nose. "where's my phone? have you got it?" Niall asks me as he feel his pockets. "umm... I don't sorry" I answer looking through my side bag. "oh shit. well I'm going to go look for it, you and Luke meet me.... at the people mover" he says running towards splash mountain. "okay so where to?" Luke asks me. I honestly don't want this to be as awkward as it should, he doesn't even know that I haven't told Niall. "anywhere it might take a while for him to find his phone" we both laugh, how can he be so perfect? wait! Allyssa! stop it. we get mobbed walking to the buzz lightyear ride, and don't even have to wait in line which is pretty strange. The ride inside is very colorful, and vibrant. We step into the cart and we're taken into "the galaxy" where we have to start shooting at targets. "oh crap, I have no aim" I state and he laughs at me, mocking my terrible skills. "AHA! I'm a space cadet!" I brag... he is still two levels up than me though. "are you hungry? we can get something to eat" he suggests as we walk out of the ride. "uh no I'm okay, are you?" I respond. I'm nervous, for no reason. well for a specific reason actually. "no I'm good" he answers, rubbing his arm. we wait at the people mover in awkward silence, he starts to look at me in the eye, and I just melt. "you can't keep doing that Luke!" I say looking away from him. "doing what?" he says a smirk starting to build on his face. "that look with- with your eyes, you know exactly what I'm talking about, I'm sorry I can't love you that way" I say looking at him. He doesn't seem hurt at all. "Okay listen, I understand you're taken, and I know you don't feel that way about me. But guess what, I do, and it's killing me that I can't have you the way that I want. I look at you, and I fall deeper into love, the way you smile when someone compliments you. The way your nose cringes when someone makes a rude remark. But you know what I'm not sorry Allyssa, I'm not sorry that I've fallen in love with you" he states as he pulls me into a kiss, our lips moving together. His hands on my face, he pulls away, and who else but Niall is standing right there, tears are rolling down his face.

"Niall! it's not what it looks like" I say, hesitating, now tears are rolling down my face. "oh really? so you weren't just making out with my best friend?" he yells, anger taking over. "Ni-Niall I'm so" "no you know what it's fine! just keep doing what ever the fuck you people were doing. would you guys like to share a room for tonight as well?" He walks away, his face in his palms.

"Ally- I'm sorry. I didn't think he would-" Luke states, his face full of sorrow, and blame. "it's fine, it wasn't only your fault Luke"

{ sorry, it's so short guys, but I have lots of homework to do. need to keep those grades up! but thank you so much for all your reads and votes. I love you all! xx }

{p.s; I wasn't able to update last night cause wattpad was down 😒 but it's back up again!!' YAYY}

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