Chapter 25

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He didn't let me tell him I loved him... He knows I've never told anyone that. I'm so confused.

"Who's outside?" He asks, as we hear arguing in the other room.

"Everyone... I mean everyone" I say putting emphasis the second time.

"Everyone, as in sophia?" He asks rolling his eyes.

"Yeah she's outside"

"I don't really like her, we don't get on too well" he says rolling his eyes.

"Well I don't either, but be nice... She's gone through a lot" I say putting my hand on his shoulder.

"when did I become so lucky?" He says smiling. "Why?" I say confused. "Because... I have such an incredible person like you in my life" he says, his ocean blue eyes looking straight at mine. I start to blush... Looking down at the sheets, my face slowly turning into a smile. He lifts up my chin, his palm pressing against my cheek, he presses his lips against mine.

"Uh hum... Excuse me, I need to speak to Ally" sophia enters... Her heels clicking with each step. She stares at me for a moment, and I start to get annoyed.

"Well?" I say crossing my arms. Niall sitting in front of me, my legs criss-cross apple sauce. His hand gripping mine.

"Well, I just wanted to say thank you" she says, I'm more confused than ever. And I get confused a lot!

"Umm thank you for what?"

"I know you made Liam call me. I'm so sorry for everything... I regret this so much, and I hope you know I understand how I've put his career in risk" she says putting her hand on my shoulder.

"No, you don't understand! Okay, he's 19! He shouldn't be a father! Have you thought about how many little girls dreams you're gunna crush by this? By one stupid mistake... You probably did it on purpose. Got yourself pregnant so no matter what, he HAD to stay with you. Yeah, didn't you?" I say screaming at her. I find my self standing in front of her with my fist clenched by my sides. Tears start rolling down her cheeks. Liam, zayn,Harry, Louis Eleanor, and perrie are all standing at the door. Their faces in complete shock. My face turning red, I back away from her and Niall stands behind me. She runs to Liam and he comforts her.

"I'm- I'm so sorry sophia. I don't kn- I don't know why I said that" everyone leaves the room tier face in disgust. Niall hugs me from behind. I turn around wrap my arms around him and cry in his shoulder, his hand rubbing my back for comfort.

"I don't know why I said that. Really... I didn't mean to- it kinda just-" "I know it's okay, you don't have to explain yourself, I didn't like her anyways... "

I walk to the bathroom, tie my hair up. Wash my face with water, and just sit on the floor. Thinking, about everything.... Everything that's happened. How much my life has changed. Harry walks in and sits next to me

"I could've been changing, or peeing you know?" I say scooting over so he has more space.

"But you weren't" he smirks. We both laugh, and I sigh.

"What's wrong love?" He asks. Even though his face expression states that he already knows.

"Do I really have to answer that? I think it's pretty obvious" I say sarcastically laughing.

"Yeah, it is. But don't worry about it. She'll get over it" he says trying to comfort me.

"I'm not talking about her. I could care less about what she thinks. I'm talking about Liam" Harry starts laughing pressing his palms to his face.

"I don't get what's so funny. Harry, this is serious!"

"No it's not. He knows that you're just looking out for him. Please don't let it get to you. We all love you allyssa... You're the sunshine of all of us" he says putting his hand on my knee.

I feel my cheeks turning red. "Really?" I look at him. "Really" he confirms.

"C'mon let's go" he jumps up and holds out his hand. "What?"

"Let's go! Get up. We're going out" he says

"Out- where?" I ask, as he pulls me up.

"It's a surprise. Just trust me"

We walk out of the bathroom and walk into the living room.

"Me and Ally are going out. We'll be back in a few" he yells opening the door.

Nialls POV:

"Hey Niall where's your so called "girlfriend" going with Harry?" Sophia rolls her Eyes.

"Sophia don't you start now!" Perrie states walking away.

"I'm just saying, you don't need Harry taking your girl" she snaps back.

"She won't. We're stronger than that. They're just friends" I say, having to affirm myself.

"Right, just like Luke and her were friends"

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