Chapter 24

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"Yeah, I think it's umm time to go back home" i say, swallowing my words. The thing is I don't want to go home... I don't even consider that home! That's hell, a living hell. Tears start filling my eyes, but I dry them with the sleeve of my jacket. "Home? I thought this was your home" Liam cries. Sophia grasping his arm closer... You can feel her jealousy from a mile away.

"It was... And it always will be, but I feel like it's too much. All the drama, and the people arguing, besides what happens when you go back to touring? you only have Half a month left here, is it going to feel like home when you're all gone and I have to go back to my house? Because I'm not gunna stay in the hotel room, I don't even have a way to get to school... And I NEED to graduate this year!" I say... Tears starting to spill out, I don't even try to stop them this time.

What was I thinking? 'Oh yeah let me just leave my house... Where I have a roof and food' if I wasn't lucky enough to find niall I would probably be dying right now.

But that's the thing... I did find him. And he found me. We found each other.

I can't just leave... Walking away from something like this won't solve the problem. He's mine, he saved me... He's my hero.

I don't realize that Liam was talking to me because I was caught up in my thoughts.

"I'm sorry, I have to go do something" I say walking into Niall's room. Everyone's eyes follow me.

I slightly open the door, he turns around his eyes red from crying.

"Niall I'm so sorry" I say sitting next to him... My hand slides next to his.

"I lo-" he interrupts me by pressing his lips to mine. Everything in that moment was perfect, we were each other's. He pressed his forehead against mine, his palm on my cheek... Tears are rolling down both of our faces. In synch almost.

"Me too babe. Me too" he says his voice as calm as ever. He kisses my for head and my eyelids flutter. Even though we've been together for a while, I still get butterflies around him... And I don't think I've ever felt closer to him.

{hey guys. I'm so sorry for not updating in like forever!! I've been going through a lot... And I kinda needed a break from everything but I will be updating from now on. K bye love yaa}

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