chapter 2

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On my way to school i usually drop Damon off at daycare which is 30 minutes away from my house, and pass to starbucks which is right next to it.

"hi can i have a caramel frapuccino, with whipped cream and extra caramel" "sure can i have your name?" the guy at the counter asked, he looked like he was 18 or 19. "Allyssa" "okay that'll be $8.50" he said with a smile on his face. As i get out the money, i realize I'm two dollars short. oh crap! "umm, i'm two dollars short and i have to get to school, do you think you could let this one slide?" i ask as calmly as possible. "i'm sorry ma'am but i..i cant do that." he says with a bit of an attitude. " can you please!? i'm never short, and i come here alot. it's just two god damn dollars?!! i'm not really sure why i went off.. i guess i was just heated by the conversation with my mom. I usually hate being the center of attention too, and i was causing a scene in star bucks. "i'm sorry ma'am, i could lose my job. now may you please get out the line i have other customers" he answers obviously upset and annoyed by my outbreak.

 I get to school 10 minutes before the first bell rings, so i meet Daniel and Katy at our lockers. Daniel and Katy are my best friends,but they are dating. which is kinda weird, cause I'm like the awko-taco of us three.

"HEEEEYY!! allyssa! i missed you so much!" Katy and Daniel were holding hands in the hallway, but as soon as Katy saw me she basically ran to me, she seemed happy but i have no idea why.

"hi?? it's been two days Katy, you know Saturday and Sunday" i turned to Daniel and he gave me a tight hug and hi.

it's been pretty awkward between the two of us because, about two months ago he told me he loved me and ever since the day we met he had strong feelings for me. But when i told him that i didn't feel that way he started dating Katy. sometimes i feel like she should know, because he hasn't told her. But he's my best friend too so i would'nt want to hurt him . 

i get to my first period which is math. And of course i hate basically every body there. i spent the first 20 minutes day dreaming about anything other than math. I try to stay awake through 2nd and 3rd period. when the lunch bell rings i run to the cafeteria to meet Katy and Daniel.

After eating and finishing the horrid food, that I don't know how i got down my throat. Daniel and Katy started exchanging weird looks. I felt a little left out, and a million things were going through my mind. finally one of them decide to say something. "just tell her" " i don't know daniel , maybe she'll get upset"  Katy says concerned but a bit sarcastically at the same time... 

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