Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Morning roses and I woke up with Vito next to me. We were still naked to the bone but I smile with the feeling of yesterday. The fire has going out and I moved and sat up. Vito stirred and turned over. I got up and grab my knickers and bra. I put it on and used my jumper to cover me.

“Morning, I got breakfast” a familiar voice said.

“Lou” I quickly turned and ran to hug her. She hugs me back. We both face Vito who was lying on his back.

“He has a nice butt” Lou said smiling at me.

“DO you know what else his has a nice of?” I said smiling at Lou.

“NO thanks” and Lou scrunching her face up and we laugh. She passes me a coffee and a burger.

“SO what happen?”

“Well I got blown up to pieces; I only survived because I landed in a tree.”

“You survive that blast?”

“I am here ain’t I?”

Vito turn over reveal his naked body.

“Morning ladies” he said put his arm behind his head.

“Cover, please” I said.

He smiles and get up.

“Were my under wear go.”

“It over there was you left it.” I pointed with my coffee and Vito walks over and grab it. He washes the sand from it before putting them on.

“I can see you guys had some fun last night”

“It doesn’t look like that, I was thinking about you the whole time” I said worried that Lou thought that we didn’t care about her.

“It’s alright, Isa.” Lou said and smile at Vito and me.

“You were thinking about her when we were making love” Vito asked in a serious tone.

I smile rolling my eyes. I giggled and drank my coffee. 

“So what are we going to do?” I asked eating my greasy burger.

“Well they all know that we are in this town, we have to go to him and get him unexpectedly. We need to surprise your father. He will have some idea that we are coming and it going to be war. The cops want to talk to us for the questioning of my house blowing up. We are on the news and the paper. We are a suspect for the investigation of my house.  We have to keep moving and stay off the grid. I have a box in the los Vegas. It had passports and cash. We need to get there without being noticed and without being caught. It not far from here, we can hike. We train along the way and help you get ready.”

“Wait” I interrupt. “What about Walter, and my grandma?”

“We’ll leave them and they should be safe.”

“Should be! I want them safe and you to promise me that they will be always safe if we leaving this town.”

“OK then I will wipe there memory of you and us from Walter and your Grandma.” Lou said.

We all sat on the sandy shore, we are all dressed and have ate breakfast.

“NO” I yelled. “I want Walter to know what I am and what you are. He my genius and he the only real thing around here.” A tear fell but not a blood tear it was human, it taste salty when I lick the tear.

“I know you love him and I know that you want him to know about the real you, but it isn’t safe and you know that. If you want him to know about you he has to come.”

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