Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

The night was up for most people but it wasn’t finish for me it only just gotten started. I stolen a full six pack and was walking to Walter house. He left before I could get to say good bye so now I am going to say good bye.  I already had three beers out of the six packs. I don’t get tipsy with this crap but it does give me a mellow mood. I walk in to Walter’s street. I see his house and I know that everyone is asleep. I jumped the side gate in silence. I find the tree that is right near Walters’s window. I put the cardboard that hold the six packs in my teeth and started to climb the tree. Walters had to have his bedroom on the second floor of the house. There was no roof that I could just hop on to. I had to open his window to get in. The window was lock as I could tell, so I grab the window fame and lifted with all my strength. The lock broke and Walters stirred in bed but he doesn’t wake up. I push the window up and it stay there. I put my left foot in and then my leg. I sat there on the window still watching Walter. 10 minutes later Walters wakes up, he sits right up in bed.

“I hate when you do that, Isa” and he know that it me.

“I just want to say good bye and good night” I still had two beers left.

He wore batman pyjamas and he was still wondering why I won’t’ sleep with him.

“Would you tell me not to do this if I actually come up here so sleep with you?”

“I leave my window open ever night.” And Walter smile with his sleepy eyes.

I hold a beer out and he got up and grabs it he opens it on his computer desk and drank it. I open mine and drank it.

“Can you get down there so I can close the window, its cold out there.” I move out the way so Walter could close the window.

He closes it and notice the lock. “You broke my lock again”

“Sorry, maybe you should stop locking it.”

“I lock it so creatures like you don’t get in.”

“Well I can get in.” I said and sat on his bed.

Walters get a box out from under his bed. He opens it and more lock that I gave him for a Christmas present. It was a meant to be a joke, but he thought it was useful because I always breaks his window lock.

“Here let me do that.” I had a sip of my drink and put my drink next to Walters. I grab the screw driver and fix the lock.  I sat on his bed and we drank the last two beers together before I left.

I now walk down the street where Simon and his boy ask me if I wanted to hitch a ride with them. It was now 1 in the morning and I could see the stars so clearly that I don’t need a telescope. I just hit the outskirt of the wood and I hear motor bikes and boys wooing and driving really fast. There came around the corner and they spot me. I run into the wood but they just followed. I knew they were after me for what I done to Simon. I wasn’t sure if I could out run a motorbike but I know I can run really fast. I weave in and out of trees and I could hear the motor bikes catching up. I didn’t go to my place I didn’t want to wake up grandma by all the loud racket of the motor bike engines. I ran faster than I ran before and the adenine kicked in. I felt invincible. I knew where I had to go. It wasn't far from here. I ran and I could see some lights up in front and I could tell that they were trying to box me it. I ran out in the open paddock not that far for my home. I ran across and take a sharp left. The motor bikes slid across the muddy long grass. They were so close catching up to me. I can smell there sweat. I ran in to the woods again and I ran up this small hill. I then ran until I saw where I wanted to go. I took a leap, a massive leap that made it look like I was flying. I jump off the cliff in to the “Water Hole” and below was freezing cold water. The boy caught up just as I hit the surface of the water. I feel my left arm breaking because I didn’t break the water. I held my breath and try to swim to the dark cave that surrounds the bottomless hole. The boy flashes some lights down but couldn’t see me. When around 20 minutes was up I raised to the surface and took a deep breath. I screamed out in agony from the broken arm. I swam with one arm to the shore and lay on my back. I was breathing heavily. I was cold and I was scared that I was going to go into shock or get hyperthermia.  Sitting up slowly, I took off my leather jacket leaving my broken up in the sleeves till last. I slowly strip the leather jacket off from my broken arm and shoved it in my mouth. My bone what just broken and it didn’t pierced the skin. I need to put it back in place but I know it going to hurt. I bite down hard on my leather jacket. The break was in the middle of the elbow and the wrist. I put my wrist in between my knees. I took a deep breath and held it. I move my arm quickly so it clicks together. I scream and the arm was looking normal again. I felt dizzy from the agony and pass out on the sandy shore.

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