Chapter 12

464 11 7

SONG: Hallelujah - Jeff Buckley

I woke up to a beeping sound and it was Zayn's phone. "Shit did I wake you?" Zayn asked. "Yeah... sorta.." I replied. "I'm so sorry. It's the stupid bird." Zayn scolded his phone. "Bird?" "Yeah bird. Flappy bird. Stupid mother fu-" "Zayn! I know Aiden can't talk yet but he will hear the words." I scolded him. "Sorry Baby and other baby." Zayn said. I smiled at his actions. "So what do you want to do today?" Zayn asked. "Well I am really sore in that area so I can't do that.." I said. "What was it?" Zayn said confused. "Oh I just wanted to go bike riding since I have a baby seat for bikes." I frowned. "Oh. You can do that like next week." Zayn smiled. I nodded and waddled towards the kitchen in pain.

I sat down on a bar stool and winced at the contact. "Babe, do you want to go lay down?" Zayn aked. "Ok." I said standing up. I walked over to the couch and closed my eyes, drifting off into a dark paradise. 

I woke up to the TV blasting. "What the fuck?" I asked sleepily. "Sorry I wanted to watch TV." Zayn said. "Why in here? There is a lounge room downstairs, you know." I stated the obvious. "So? I can watch TV in here if I want to." "Zayn! I was sleeping!" I snapped. "Yes! That's all you do all day! You're lucky Lou and Ella took Caish out!" "Zayn! I look after kids full time! I'm hell tired!" "So? I want my dinner!" He yelled. "Excuse me..." I said hurt. He wanted dinner... he couldn't just go out and buy take away. "Oh my god I am so sorr-" "If that's what you think of me after I just had 5 weeks of hell, then just fuck off." "Babe I said I'm sor-" "ZAYN JUST FUCK OFF!" I heard the sad sound of my son crying. I painfully sat up and walked upstairs into my bedroom. I picked him out of his cot and started to bounce him. That was until I saw a rash on his arm and how hot his skin was. This never happened to Acacia. "Zayn..." I called out. No answer. "Zayn!" I called louder. "What? Do you want to yell at me again!?" He replied walking into the room. "Can you please set an appointment for the childrens department?" I asked. "Sure..." He replied.

We walked into the clinic and walked to the receptionest. Acacia was with us now since her day with Lou and El was over. "I have an appointment for Aiden Malik." I said. "Aiden Malik, Aiden Malik, Ah here we are. Doctor Jeremeigh should be ready soon." She replied beaming. "Thank you." I turned around with my baby on him hip and walked to the chairs while Acacia was mucking around with Zayn. "Aiden?" I heard a deep voice call. I stood up and walked into the small office, Zayn following us in. "So Mrs Malik, what seems to e the problem?" The doctor asked. I was about to say I wasn't married to him yet but Zayn interruptered. "Our son seems to have a high temperature and he has a couple of rashes." "Ok let me take a look." He said taking out the stethoscope. After 10 minutes the doctor told us what to do. "Can you please go over to the cancer ward." He said with a weak smile. "C-cancer..."

Hi sorry it's late and SUPER DUPER short. I was falling asleep writing this. Well just in over a month I had received 898 veiws! Thanks xxx

- Meg xxx

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