Chapter 33

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I was sitting on the bed, watching Chris run around the room with Kayden in the air. I felt something run down my leg.

''Chris!'' I shouted in pain. He looked over at me with big eyes. He put Kayden on his hip and helped me up. Every contraction came two minutes apart. We walked downstairs.

''Dada, what's wrong with mommy?'' Kayden asked.

''She is having the baby.'' Chris explained. We walked out of the house to the black Range Rover. He helped me in and put Kayden in his carseat. He got into the driver seat. He put the key into the ignition and pulled off. I breathe in and out but these contractions were strong.

''Call August and Lalia.'' I said. He nodded as he pulled up to the hospital. There was already a nurse with wheelchair. Chris got out and helped me into the wheelchair. The nurse wheeled me inside the hospital and got me into a room.

''Ma'am you need to change into this hospital gown.'' He said. I walked into the bathroom and changed into the gown. I walked back into the room and got onto the bed. They prompted my legs onto the stands.

''Ma'am you need to push.'' The doctor said. I pushed slightly then sat back. Lalia, Chris, and Elise walked into the room. Elise grabbed my hand and Lalia grabbed my other. Chris was recording.

''How are you doing?'' Elise asked.

''I'm in motherfucking pain. I want to rip his fucking hand off.'' I said looking into Chris's direction. I pushed a little bit more then sat back. Tears streamed down my face.

''You have to push.'' Lalia said.

''I don't wanna.'' I said.

''Babe, you need to push.'' Chris said.

''Motherfucker, you causing me to go through this pain. I want my foot down your throat!'' I shouted. He stepped back and kept recording. I pushed harder trying to get this baby out of me.

''You're doing good. Just push Hazel.'' Elise said. I pushed harder till' I seen Chris past out. I knew the baby head was out. I pushed one more time till' I heard a cry.

''It's a girl.'' The doctor shouted. The doctor cut her umbilical cord.

''We need a name for this little girl before we send her to get the test done.'' The doctor said.

''Alani Gabrielle Brown.'' I said smiling. He nodded and put Alani in the cart. Lalia went over to Chris and slapped the shit out of Chris.

''Damn girl.'' Chris said holding his cheek. Lalia laughed walked over to my bedside. Chris got up and walked over to me.

''Where is Jeremiah?'' I asked.

''He didn't want to see you give birth because he hates seeing blood but he is in the waiting room with the twins.'' Elise said. The nurse came back with Alani and handed her to me.

''You have to feed her.'' The nurse said. I nodded and took out my left breast. At first, she licked my nipple but she evanutally got the hang off it.

''Go get everyone but tell them to be quiet.'' I said to Chris. He nodded and walked of the room.

''Oh my gosh, she is so cute.'' Lalia squealed.

''She is going to look like her mommy.'' Elise said. Everyone walked into the room, crowding around the bed. Kayden looked at Alani and giggled. My baby boy is so goofy. August looked at Lalia then to Alani.

''Lalia are you pregnant?'' I asked. She nodded slowly.

''How far along?'' I asked.

''Five months.'' She said. I smiled and looked down at Alani. She feel asleep. She looked so cute.

''Can I hold her?'' Chris asked. I nodded and handed Alani to Chris. Chris looked at Alani with that same look he had when he first seen Kayden.

''Chris, how does it feel to be a dad for the second time?'' August asked.

''She is going to be my princess.'' Chris said smiling. Kayden came down to me and sat in my lap.

''Mama, you otay now?'' He asked.

''Yes, Prince Charming. Give mommy a kiss.'' I said poking out my lip. He pecked my lips then hugged me.

''What's her name?'' August asked.

''Alani Gabrielle Brown.'' I said. Everyone smiled. Ms. Joyce took Kayden into her arms. Kayden loves his grandma, since he thinks that is the only one. My dad loves Kayden, so does Jalise. The doctor walked back into the room.

''Ms. Perez, you are free to go, so is Alani.'' He said. Chris helped me down from the bed. The gave me my night bag and I walked into the bathroom. I changed into the clothes that was in the bag. I threw the clothes that I had on before into the bag.  I walked out and Chris put me over his shoulder.

''Chris.'' I giggled. We walked out of the hospital and took the car. Chris put me into the passenger seat. Ms. Joyce came out with Kayden in her arm. August was holding Alani. They put the kids into the backseat in their carseats. I'm glad to have these two kids and to have Chris. I can't wait to get married.

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