Chapter 25

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I was sitting on my bed, watching Waiting to Exhale. Chris was doing a concert tonight and he didn't want me there because I'm eight months pregnant. I grabbed a hot Cheetos out of bed but then I felt something run down my leg. Oh shit, my water just broke. I grabbed my phone and text Lalia.

Me: My water just broke.

Lalia: Shit, I'll be there in about 15.

I locked my phone and felt a contraction come. I gripped onto the sheets. Where is she at? I heard a horn from outside, so I guess she's here. I got out of bed and grabbed my phone. I walked out of the bedroom and down the stairs. I opened the door and walked down to her car. The door was already open. I got in and closed the door. She pulled off and I rubbed my stomach.

''I called August and he called Chris. Don't worry.'' She said, turning around the corner. I felt another contraction come and I screamed. I'm going to kill Chris. She pulled up to the house and got out of the car.  She opened the door and I stood up. She ran inside and came back with a nurse with a wheelchair. I sat down and she wheeled me inside. She pushed me into a room.

''Ma'am change into this.'' She said handing me a hospital gown. I got up and walked into the bathroom. I changed into the gown and got back into the wheelchair. Where the fuck is Chris at? They put me on the bed and I prompted my legs onto those leg holders. The doctor walked in and sat in his chair.

''Good evening, Ms. Perez. We will have to get started.'' He pulled putting on his glove.

''No, I want my boyfriend here.'' I whined.

''Chris is going to be here.'' Lalia said holding my hand. I let out air and pushed a little. I laid back and whined. Chris, your light skinned ass need to get here. Just then, him and August ran into the room. Chris walked over to me and held my hand.

''Chris, I should kill you right now.'' I said in a mad tone. August had out his iPhone recording the entire thing.

''Come on, Ms. Perez you got to push.'' He said. I pushed then laid back. Chris kissed my hand and I squeezed his hand. I felt a contraction come and I screamed. Tears were coming out of my eyes. Chris kissed my cheek and I slapped him.

''Boy, get out of my face.'' I said.

''Your ten meters dilated, you got to push.'' He said. I pushed and laid back, exhausted.

''I see hair.'' He said. August and Chris walked down their and fainted. Lalia grabbed August's phone and kept filming. She grabbed my hand and I pushed. I heard a cry and the doctor had my baby in his hands.

''It's a boy!'' He shouted. They cleaned him off and handed him to me. Oh my gosh, he's so chubby. He had a full head of curly hair. He had Chris's skin tone and my eye color. Lalia squealed and looked at him. August and Chris finally woke up and they walked over to me. Chris looked at him with big eyes.

''What's his name?'' August asked.

''Kayden Joshua Brown.'' I said smiling. I grabbed his finger and kissed it. He's going to mama's little stink-stink.

''Well we need to can make sure, he is healthy and all. He'll be back in an hour.'' The doctor said. Two nurses came with some cart and put him on there. They wheeled him out and I let out some air.

''All I seen was blood and shit.'' August said. I chuckled at him and laid back, tired as fuck.

''He is so adorable.'' Lalia said.

''Chris, when can we move into the new house?'' I asked.

''Anytime, babe. If you want to stay in your house for a while, it'll be okay.'' He said.

''What about in a month. You know Kayden can't go nowhere for like a week.'' I said. He leaned down and kissed me.

''Aye, this is how y'all got Kayden in the first place.'' August said. Chris pulled away and we laugh. Chris kissed my cheek and side hugged me. They brought Kayden back in and handed him to me.

''Hey Kayden, I'm your mommy. I love you so much.'' I said kissing his cheek. He started wheezing.

''Doctor, what is wrong with him?'' I asked.

''He's getting use to breathing air. It's okay, it's perfectly fine.'' He said. I smiled at my baby. He was wrapped in a blue blanket. His eyes closed and he fell asleep.

''When he wakes up, you need to feed him. He'll sleep quietly for a couple of day then he will start crying a little more each day.'' The doctor said. I nodded and handed Kayden to Lalia. I got off of the bed and almost fell. Chris ran over to me and I put my arm around his shoudler. He helped me into the bathroom and closed the door behind him. I stripped out of the hospital gown and changed back into the clothes I was wearing.

I put my hair into a messy bun and walked out of the bathroom. Chris had Kayden in his arms. I smiled and walked over to him.

''You are good to go Ms. Perez, remember that Kayden has a appointment when he is one month old.'' The doctor said. I nodded and August grabbed Kayden. Chris picked me up bridal style and we walked out of the hospital. I was tired and didn't have no energy. Chris walked to the Range Rover and put me into the backseat. August put Kayden into the car seat and secured him.

''Thank you, August.'' I said smiling. He smiled back and closed the door. Chris pulled off and I nodded off to sleep. I awoke to the door opening.

''Come on, babe. Kayden is already in his crib, sleeping.'' He said. I jumped onto his back and he closed the door. I put my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes. I felt him walk upstairs.

''Come on, climb off my back.'' He said. I got off and got onto the bed. I got under the sheet and closed my eyes. I felt the bed dip and arms wrap around my waist.

''Night, bae. I love you.'' Chris said kissing the back of my neck.

''Night, Chris. Love you too.'' I said tiredly. I re-closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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Multimedia: Kayden Joshua Brown


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