Chapter 16

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Today I have to hang out with Chris, which I am not happy about it but it's for a good cause. I got out of bed and walked into my bathroom. I showered, got out and dried off. I put on my robe and walked into my bedroom. I put on Rio Rumberry scented lotion. I walked over to my closet and looked around.

I changed into Sarita Tropical tank top, Mesh Leggings with black Zara Flat Thong Sandals with Buckles. I walked into the bathroom and brushed my hair. I put on Maybelline Volum' Express mascara, Cherry Me Maybelline Baby Lips lip balm, and Maybelline Mineral Powder foundation. I walked back into my bedroom and grabbed my Louis Vuitton Speedy 25 purse. My phone buzzed meaning he was outside.

I walked downstairs and grabbed my keys. I walked outside and seen him leaning against his orange Lamborghini Aventdor. I walked down to his car.

''Hey Hazel.'' He said smiling. I ignored him and got into the car. I closed my door and got out my phone. I texted August.

Me: August, I'm out with Chris. Wish me luck.

August: Good luck.

I locked my phone and looked out of the window. Chris got in and put the key into the ignition. He pulled off and we didn't say anything. In a way I kind of do miss him but he did me wrong.

''Where are we going Chris?'' I asked.

''Somewhere, so just relax Hazel.'' He said turning up the music. I didn't say anything else. He took the key out of the ignition. I looked up and seen Pacific Park. I haven't been here since I was a little girl. I got out of car and looked around in amazement. I looked at Chris and smiled.

''How did you know I loved this place?'' I asked.

''I remembered when you told me that you haven't been here since you were a little girl.'' He said. I smiled then walked down to the ticket. We both got wristbands and walked in.

''What do you want to ride first?'' He asked.

''What about the Inkie Scrambler.'' I said. He nodded and we walked over to the ride. We got in and waited for the ride to start. It started and we were being thrown around. After the ride stopped, we got off. I dragged him to Inkie's Pirate Ship. We got on and sat in the back. The ride started and I got a little scared. Chris wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I just ignored it and enjoyed the ride. We got off and went to the Themed Food Cart. I ordered a cotton candy and popcorn. Chris got Churros. We walked to the Pier. 

''Chris, can I get a Churro?'' I asked. He handed me one and I ate it. I love Churros, my mama can cook them since she is fully Mexican. I walked down to the beach and stood near the water. I inhaled the scent of the beach. Being here with Chris, is making my feelings for him come back. I can't help but say that I still love him. I took some of the cotton candy off of the stick and ate it. I walked back up to Chris.

''You want to go to the shop at the store?'' He asked. I shook my head and we walked back to the car. We got in and he put the key into the ignition. He pulled off and the car ride was silent. He pulled up to his house. What the hell are we doing here? We got out and I followed Chris. He unlocked the door and we walked in.

''Chris, what are we doing here?'' I asked.

''Hazel, just come with me.'' He said taking my hand and walking down to the basement.

''Chris, what are we doing down here?'' I asked.

''Remember when we did this?'' He asked pointing to the spraypaintings I did.

''Yeah, so. I did that when I was in love with you.'' I said.

''So, you're not in love with me?'' He asked.

''Chris, you fucked up. I don't give second chances.'' I said.

''So if I kissed you right now, it wouldn't mean anything.'' He said.

''No, it would. Chris I got over you.'' I said. He grabbed me and kissed me passionlately. I pulled away, breathing hard.

''I felt nothing.'' I lied. Damn, that kiss was something else. He sighed then walked away. I walked behind them.

''Chris, you acted like I never loved you.'' I said.

''Hazel, that's not the point. I still love you.'' He said walking up the stairs. I just stood there, shocked. He still loves me. I walked behind him.

''Chris, I just can't say it back. You know that I would say I love you to you when we were together but now we're apart. You acted like I don't think about you or miss you. Some nights I miss you so much, I grabbed one of your shirts and cuddle with it. I still what you Chris but I just can't right now.'' I said pouring out of my emotions.

''What do you mean you can't? Hazel, I love you too much to ever let you go.'' He said looking back at me.

''Chris we wouldn't be apart if you wouldn't have cheated. All this is on you, I was down with you and you went and did that shit to me.'' I semi-shouted.

''Hazel, stop living in the past. I've have apologized time and time again but you won't take it. You act like I never loved you. You can't call quits on a relationship every time one of us make a mistake. It takes two people to love in a relationship Hazel. You act like I have to go by everything that you tell me. You acted like you got to be the boss of the relationship. Bottom line, if you really love me tell me. We don't have to dive back into a relationship we can take it slow. I really want you to be in my life. I want you to be my wife one day and I want you to have my children but that can't happen if weren't together.'' He said making me feel bad. I couldn't say anything. I just sat down on the step.

''Chris, you don't understand. I wanted to love you but something is holding me back.'' I said lowly.

''Hazel, nothing is holding you back but yourself. You know what you want. Stop running from what you want.'' Chris said walking upstairs. I got up and walked out of the door. I grabbed my phone and texted Lalia.

Me: Lalia can you come and pick me up from Chris's house?

Lalia: Yeah, be there in 15 minutes.

I locked my phone and looked around. There was no paparazzi, thank god. About 15 minutes later, Lalia pulled up in her black Mercedes-Benz SL 600 convertible. I walked over to it and got in. She pulled off.

''Hazel, you got tears in your eyes. What did he do?'' She asked. I told her everything about what just happened.

''Lalia, I love him but I don't want to.'' I said.

''Hazel, he gave it to you straight up. You should see it from his perpestive. He wants and loves you but you won't accept it.'' She said. She pulled up in front of my house. I got out and she started speaking.

''Hazel whether you like it or not, Chris told you to take him or leave him. I think that you just left him.'' She said speeding off. I sighed and walked to my door. I unlocked it and walked inside. I closed it and took off my sandals. I walked upstairs into my bathroom. I showered, got out and dried off. I walked into my bedroom and put on Cocoa Butter scented lotion. I changed into white tank top, grey Black Pyramid sweats with grey ankle socks. I wiped off my makeup and put my hair into a messy bun.

I walked over to my bed and got in. I pulled the covers over my body. I turned on the TV and turned to Big Momma's House. I put my head on the pillow and cried myself to sleep.

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