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Brittany POV

Breathlessly, I let my rifle hang from my chest as I look up at the night sky, the stars sparkling throughout the darkness. Blackness came with such completeness it obliterated the memory of the day that had just been. With the thick cloud above no relief came from either the moon or stars. This was not the city with store and streetlights to stop anything ever becoming darker than twilight. The slight breeze pleases me in ways that someone would never understand, instantly feeling like I'm not in a pit of lava.

"Johnson, get off my foot!"

I look over my shoulder at my troop scattered around on the floor, exhausted by the endless hours of combat. A tired smirk graces my face when Joe leans in for a sneaky kiss but Amy pulls away with an annoyed look causing him to fold his arms over his chest and sulk like a little child. He meets my eyes and he looks at my smirk, rolling his eyes and looking off to the side. Clearing my throat, I get all my soldier's attention.

"Listen up. I wanna say you all did well today" I praise, flickering my eyes from one tired face to another. "So now—I'm going to let you rest. It's pretty secure but to make sure I will keep guard" I explain and look to Joe who looks like he's going to object but I shoot him a look and I know he's too tired to bitch back. "Tomorrow morning we move out once the civilians are sent to a safe haven. If you want food open up your MRE's, otherwise shut your eyes and don't snore!" I warn with a slight playful tone, pointing my finger at all of them and watching as they throw me smiles before nuzzling themselves into their thin sleeping bags.

I turn on the heel of my boot and scan the area. We're set up against the side of a building so it's pretty safe but I don't want an unexpected enemy to come at us from the side. It's like a light bulb goes off in my head, the vehicles! My eyes narrow when I hear footprints behind me and I turn around to see Specialist Shaw walking towards me with a smile. Raising a questioning eyebrow at her, I scan over her face and notice that she doesn't look half as tired as the others. "What can I help you with Specialist Shaw?" I ask and she exhales into the darkness.

"I'm not really tired so I thought I could help out with guarding?" She suggests and I contemplate it, what's a little company? I shrug with a nod and turn back to the straight, looking out to try and see where our vehicles are. "What are you looking at?" She asks and I turn to look at her as she comes up to my side.

"The vehicles, we can bring them in and use them as a sort of barrier whilst those lot sleep. If we're going to guard the perimeter we can't be situated at one spot" I explain and turn around to see where we are. We parked outside the tunnels a near the exit so if I locate where we came in that will lead me to the tunnel and then the vehicles.

Specialist Shaw hums and turns around, pointing from one building to another. "It's that way, I remember walking past the pink stripe on the wall." She informs and I look at her with an impressed look, nodding.

"Nice work Shaw, memorisation skills are key" I state and grip my rifle before walking down, alongside Shaw. It's silent besides the sounds of our boots crunching against the rubble and sand, the odd tweet makes me look off into the direction and then back again.

"It was crazy today wasn't it?" Shaw breathes and I chuckle breathlessly, looking straight ahead with a stoic look, still in alert mode just in case.

"You could say that, but like I said you all surprised me today. We cleared one of the most dangerous towns in Afghanistan with only minor injuries" I say proudly, glancing at Shaw and seeing a smile on her face.

"That's true" She comments and looks to her left at the building we cleared when it collapsed. After that we went on to clear another 20 small houses that couldn't even be classed as houses, they're a room made out of brick with a few mattresses and weapons and miscellaneous products scattered around.

My Soldier (Brittana fan fiction)* Discontinued*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora