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The next day.

I can think and make drastic decisions on a battlefield under gun fire with no problem and get my troops to a safe place and make sure they go home alive, but I can't plan a fucking date! Why is it so hard? I want it to be perfect and make Santana happy but I don't know how. It's been years since I've been on a date, 5 years to be precise. The last date I went on was with Santana back when I was 18 and I took her to breadstix. It's not very creative and doesn't scream you mean so much to me. I need to think out of the box and surprise her with something that she would never imagine. But again, how?

Olivia. Oh my god why didn't I think of her? She can totally help me that is if she's not pissed at me or something. I quickly dial her number on my phone and wait for her to pick up. I sigh and pace slightly, not taking no notice of Charlie who's just took my toast off my plate.

"Hello?" I hear and I instantly smile at the sound of her voice

"Hey" I say softly and hear her let out a soft breath.

"Britt? How are you doing?" She asks and I smile through a little chuckle, of course she would ask me.

"I'm alright, how are you? I feel like we haven't spoken in ages" I croak out and just wait for her to tell me that she's pissed at me or she thinks I'm a disgrace.

"I've been waiting for you to call me babe" She answers with a soft laugh, making me let out a sigh of relief at the fact that she doesn't see me as some monster, words of Mrs Lopez. I've just been paranoid, Olivia will always have my back.

"I thought you wouldn't have wanted me to ring you" I confess and hear Olivia scoff and chuckles lightly.

"You dumbass! I'll always stick by you, now what's up?" She hums in an interested tone making me smile. She's definitely my best friend, coming in joint with Joe of course, can't forget about my New Yorker!

"I'm going on a date with Santana and-" I squeeze my eyes shut and grunt when Olivia starts squealing down the phone, talking very fast and mumbling like "I saw it coming". I wait about 3 minutes before she shuts up and giggles. "You done?"


"Okay" I laugh and get back to it. "So we're going on a date and I have no idea where to take her." I explain and Olivia hums smugly.

"So you came to Auntie Liv, good choice" She smirks playfully and I roll my eyes with a smile.

"Don't make me regret it" I caution to a laughing Olivia.

"Shut up" She laughs and I take a seat on the couch, listening to what she says. "So it's your first date, it has to be special!" She informs me and I nod agreeing with her. "I'll throw out some ideas and you say yay or nay to the ones you like and don't like" She suggests and I hum, I'm down with that.

"Okay, fire away"

"A romantic date on like a beach or something under the stars?" She suggests and I scrunch my nose up slightly, thinking about the pros and cons.

"Sand in the wrong places" I cringe thinking about finding sand in my underwear the next day.

"Hm okay, um… have a water fight and take her for a bite to eat?" She giggles and I smirk.

"I don't think she would appreciate me getting her wet on the first date" I say without realising what I've just said until I hear Olivia smirk and start laughing. "No Pun intended!" I add and laugh. If only she knows that I've already got her wet, more than once.

"I don't know Britt, Netflix and Chill?" She laughs and I manage a groan through my laughing, realising that I still don't know where to take her and time is running out. "What does she like? You know her better than I do, I'm sure you'll think of something babe" She reassures me and I sigh.

My Soldier (Brittana fan fiction)* Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now