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Santana's POV

What is life anymore? I'm not even sure if I want to exist on this planet with the way that things are turning out for me. See, many people wouldn't say that, I left high school with good grades and I studied law for 2 and a half years, therefore getting my degree and becoming a qualified lawyer. I wouldn't call myself the best, I mean I work in Lima Ohio. It's not exactly luxurious, but at least I have a job. It's not like I couldn't leave, it's just that I never came around to it. There's too many memories here, Good and Bad… Mostly bad though. You know what I'm talking about, or preferably who. The one and only Brittany Pierce.

Brittany Pierce, whenever I hear that name my heart jumps hurdles and I shiver. It's weird how she still has that effect on me. Brittany was my girlfriend in our junior year, secret girlfriend that is. I couldn't come out of the closet back then, I would have been eaten alive. You don't know what it's like, being the head cheerleader and bitch of the school. It was a tough maintenance that I had to uphold and I couldn't let anything step in the way of that, including my best friend/girlfriend. I was so stupid back then, I realise now, you know when I have nothing, that none of that mattered. Brittany was my best friend, she was the funniest, most gorgeous person I have ever met in my life. I say was because what is there now? She was everything that I wanted to be, she was just so care free, confident and something I was always so jealous of. She didn't care what people thought about her. That's why she was so open when wanting to be my girlfriend. In a small town like this news spreads fast and I couldn't deal with all the taunts, disgusted looks and especially with my parents. I couldn't deal with that, you understand right?

In all of the relationships that I'd been in back then, me and Brittany was the best one. Being the head cheerleader you sort of had a relationship for sleeping around with all the hot jocks and all that, I can't deny that I didn't. With me and Brittany it felt so real, I was happy. Really happy. She treat me well, she always used to wait for me outside my lesson and walk me to my other lesson as well as carrying my books, she'd compliment me every time she'd see me. Oh god, she used to run her hands through my hair and all over my body, I loved that! If anyone ever asked I could always brush it off with the excuse that we were best friends, we were. We were more than that, but I ruined that. Brittany was always there for me, she never let me down. And there was me. I tried so hard to be the best secretive girlfriend I could be, I did love Brittany, I was just too focused on being popular and I didn't care who I hurt.

The break up was messy, like real messy. It was hands down the hardest and most heart breaking thing that I'd ever have to do or see. Me breaking not only my girlfriend's heart, but my losing my best friend.

17:55- To Brittany x- Britt, can you come over? xx

I wring my sweaty hands together as I wait for Brittany. My right leg is bouncing up and down, I can't keep still. I'm nervous I don't know how she's going to take it, I mean if your girlfriend was breaking up with you for no reason how would you take it? I asked Brittany to come round, I probably didn't even need to she likes to surprise me a lot with a bunch of movies and munchies in her hands on an afternoon like this. School's hard and she knows that it makes me tired and aggie so she does everything in her will power to make me 'smile'. She never fails to do so.

The doorbell rings and my head whips to the door, she's here. I hesitantly get up of the couch and slowly walk over to the barrier that is protecting my girlfriend and I open up the door to see Brittany's big warm beautiful smile. I swallow as I look at her bright blue eyes and how they run over my cheerio's outfit. They darken a little but I can see a small frown etched upon her forehead, I never snuggle with her whilst I'm in my sweaty cheerio's uniform that I have to wear all day. She knows that we ain't snuggling today. The smile hasn't left her face and I let her in, not greeting her with the usual little peck. I just walk over to the couch re thinking what I'm going to tell her, how I'm going to tell her. I hear the door shut and she follows me in.

My Soldier (Brittana fan fiction)* Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now