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Santana's POV

After I escort Brittany out of the building I can't help the smile that forms on my face or the pulse between my legs. That kiss was totally unexpected and so fucking hot. My lips still tingle from where her tongue ran across them, I can still taste her in my mouth and it's driving me crazy. My meeting dragged endlessly and I couldn't stop glancing at the clock every 10 seconds. Throughout the meeting, my gaze couldn't help but drift over to the blonde slut that was practically fucking Brittany with her eyes. She's known around the firm to spread her legs for anyone willing but like fuck is she having Brittany. She is off limits to anyone and everyone. Wow I sound like one of those over protective girlfriends when in reality me and Brittany aren't even dating, we're just… kissing?

I'm not going to lie and say that I'm not confused, I'm only human for god sakes. I'm in a relationship, yes it is fucking shitty but I'm still in a relationship with Brittany's arch nemesis. I'm kissing Brittany, well we've kissed 3 times and nothing's been said each time. Where does that put us? I cheated on Puck but for some reason I don't feel guilty like not even the tiniest bit of remorse. I have no regret considering I kissed her back all three times and even instigated the second kiss. The thing that's playing on my mind is, does this mean anything?

I spent my whole senior year wishing for things to be different, I wished that I had the strength to come out and be with Brittany who was secretly my world back then, I wished that I didn't care about what people said. You know what, I don't know and I feel blessed that Brittany is back here in Lima alive. I feel like god is giving me a second chance to rekindle a relationship that should have happened years ago and I'm not going to screw that up.

Grabbing my black leather handbag, I smile as I think about Brittany and I pray that she's at the house doing some work with papi just so I can see her. This may sound sad but seeing Brittany is the hi-light of my days lately. I don't say goodbye to any of my co-workers I never do, they don't deserve my time especially not those two faced bitches. You'd think that girls would grow up into mature women and they wouldn't judge people on how they look, how they speak or what they do, but you're wrong. In my eyes they just get worse. They sleep with each other's boyfriends, the men around the firm to get pay rises and bitch about people behind their backs. It's ridiculous and people wonder why I don't speak to nobody. I really hope Brittany's there building something in the garden or having a beer with papi, her being there just puts me at ease. It's weird how after 4 years she can still do that to me.

It doesn't take long to get to my house from the firm only about 20-30 minutes by car, my papi lets me borrow his because he doesn't use it that often. I really should buy myself one but I'm sort of saving for my own apartment, not that nobody knows. Walking through my front door, I place my keys on the side and hear my mami talking to someone. What if she's interrogating Brittany again? I storm into the living room to find Puck sitting next to my mom nodding at what she's telling him. They stop talking when I burst in and Puck stands up, planting a bright smile on his face but I can tell he's a little surprised to see me. I don't know why I mean this is my home.

"Hey baby" He breaths out and I look from him to my mother then back to him as he steps forward and pulls me into a hug which I barely reciprocate.

"What are you two talking about?" I ask as I pull away from his broad frame, glancing over at my mami. Puck looks at her with a weird look and mami just sends me a smile.

"We've decided to throw a party, with our garden being decorated I want to show it off" She explains with a snobby smile and I raise my eyebrows and hum. A party sounds good, especially if Brittany will be there because if memory serves me correctly Brittany was always the life of the party.

"Oh, that's cool" I say nonchalantly taking a seat on the couch etching to go and see if Brittany is outside. I could just say that I'm going to the kitchen to get a drink and perv on her, actually no, I don't want her shirtless when he is here. My suspicions are cleared when papi walks in with no Brittany behind him and I resist the urge to pout. "Hey papi" I smile brightly at him which he so gladly returns and takes a seat next to me. Since Puck is kissing my mami's ass, papi is over here with me.

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