chapter 1

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FOB in Bagram, Afghanistan

Groaning, I lower the metal barbell which has a 20kg weight plate on each side and clench my jaw as I push the bar up and back onto the rack. I wipe my brow with the back of my hand and push myself up into a sitting position on the bench. People think that us soldiers fight continuously non-stop but in reality we do get some breaks. Command Sergeant Major Shuster recommends that when we soldiers aren't fighting or being called out, we should work out and train. Right now I'm stationed in a forward operating base but it won't be long until I get sent out. Words already got around that a large number of us will be sent out in order to complete a variety of missions. We don't just go out there and kill, we get assigned a mission. The sun beams down through the gap of the tent warming my already sweaty skin. Squinting, I look out of the gap and look at all the other soldiers, good mates of mine doing various things. A couple of guys are playing cards on a broken wooden table, some girls are playing basketball and then there's soldiers who are getting ready to go out and fight. A bead of sweat rolls off my nose and I wipe my forehead with the back of my hand. Heat. The weather here is ridiculous, I should be used to the heat but I'm sweating like a whore in church.

"Sup Britt" A deep voice says and I look over to see my best bud Joe. He's wearing his tanned t-shirt that fits snuggly against his muscular frame, ACU combat trousers and creamed magnum panther boots. When we are off duty we don't have to wear our whole uniform.

"Becker" I say with a smirk. In the army it is common for people to always call you by your last name because it's easier to remember their surnames. It's sort of professional as well but myself and my buddies always address each other by our first names. He chuckles and steps into the tent knowing I called him by his last name as a joke.

"Only benching 60?" He says with a teasing smile.

"I've got no one to spot me dumbass, I don't want to hurt myself. Besides it's more than you can bench" I say with a laugh and he feigns hurt which makes me laugh even more. I get up from the bench and grab a 10kg weight plate and put it on the right end of the barbell. Joe grabs the other and puts it on the left side of the barbell. I go back to the bench and Joe stands behind me hands floating under the barbell just in case.

"You need a lift off?"

"Nope, got this" I say as I position myself, putting my hands in the right place on the bar. Its only 90kg all together, I've lifted much more than that. Maintaining a high fitness level is important in the army. Inhaling deeply I lift the bar off the rack and keep it steady in the air for about 3 seconds before bringing it down to my chest and pushing it back up again. I repeat that for about 5 more reps and then the burning in my chest really heightens. I groan and rest the barbell on my chest for a second before pushing the barbell up with the help of Joe and bring it back onto the rack. I sit up and stretch my arms out trying to ease the burning pain in my deltoids and pectoral muscles.

A female soldier walks by who I recognise as Amy Carr and smiles flirty at me. She has chestnut hair with blonde highlights which is up in a ponytail, dazzling green eyes that always seemed to sparkle, light skin and a beautiful smile. I smile because knowing Joe who's behind me is going to try the moves on her.

"Hey Sergeant" she says with a smile and a twinkle in her eyes. I smile at her and get off the bench.

"Morning private Carr" I say politely, since I'm a sergeant I uphold some professionalism and so I tend to call other soldiers by their ranks. Unlike Joe here.

"Hey Amy, wanna bench press with us?" He says with a tiny smirk and a charming smile. I shake my head slightly and contain my smile at the sight of Amy looking from me wearing a smile then to Joe with an uninterested look.

My Soldier (Brittana fan fiction)* Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now