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Well to say Santana walking in on me after the shower isn't shocking then I don't know what is. How did I not hear the door turn? I don't think I've dressed quicker ever in my life and that's saying something considering for 3 years I was woken at 0600 and had to be ready, washed, dressed and have my bunk clean 0615 or my commander would make me do 50 push ups for punishment. All I know is that I want to get out of the Lopez house now before I get myself into an even awkward situation. It's weird that I don't feel embarrassed I mean I should shouldn't I? My ex-girlfriend who I may have a crush on has just seen me naked. I knew I shouldn't have took a shower I mean a little bit of sweat isn't nothing, try being drenched in mud and god knows what for 24 hours.

Funny enough Santana seeing me naked isn't playing on my mind, it's my deployment letter. I need to tell someone I just, I just want to forget that it's there and stay here. I want to see Santana's gorgeous face every day, Joke around With Olivia, walk my dog and just be here. Looking in the mirror, I dry my hair off in the towel using both of my hands to rub the towel and my hair together to make it dry. I know I need to tell Santana it's just I don't know how. Shaking my head a little and ruffling my hair so it gives it the surfer look, I walk out of the bathroom and glance at Santana's door. Of course I still remember where it is, how could I forget? Should I go and apologise? Would that be weird?

Deciding not to, I walk down the stairs and head to the kitchen to thank Martin. As I walk in I see a figure sitting down at the counter but it's not Martin or Santana. It's Maria. I swallow and just as I'm about to sneak out and pretend that I was never here she turns on the stool and looks at me. Shit. I open my mouth a couple of times, cursing internally when nothing comes out.

"Um… I just wanted to say thanks for letting me use your bathroom" I thank and she doesn't say anything, she just looks at me with a hard stoic face. I itch the back of my neck and find myself nodding to myself. "Okay, im, um, going to go" I stutter out and turn on my heels, prepared to go.

"Brittany" I hear her call and I freeze, my eyes widening. That's the first time I've heard my name out of her lips but I don't like the tone of her voice. Slowly turning back around I watch as she pulls out the stool next to her and pats the leather base, gesturing for me to sit. I'm fucking shocked, maybe Martin gave her a good talking? My legs slowly start to move towards the stool and I take a seat, hesitantly looking at the woman. She takes off her glasses and folds them, placing one hand over the over as she rests them on the counter.

"Do you think I'm stupid?" She asks in a calm voice, but her tone is cold and icy, like so cold it's got that bite to it. I swallow at the odd question.

"N-No of course not" I respond and straighten my back as she grins a little, nodding her head like she thinks it's all bullshit. I look around praying that Santana or Martin come down and stop this, whatever this is, before this gets ugly.

"Why are you here?" She commands and I raise an eyebrow.

"Your garden nee-"I begin to say but she cuts me off with glare.

"Not the garden! Why are you back in Lima?!" She growls and I'm taken away at the tone of her voice. I frown a little and clear my throat.

"I got injured, I had to come back" I frown, wondering why she's asking me this. What has me being back in Lima got to do with anything? "Can I ask why?" I ask and she sticks her nose up at me.

"I don't want you here" She states with a cold tone and I frown, um the fuck?

"Excuse me?" I blink, completely shocked by her statement.

"Don't think I don't see the way you look at my daughter" She spits and I literally move back a little. Is it noticeable? What I don't even look at her in a particular way.

My Soldier (Brittana fan fiction)* Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now