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Santana's POV

Sniffling, I cling to my warm and crinkled bed sheets as my tears wet the pillow my heads laying on. It's been 24 hours since Brittany left and I haven't moved, brushed my hair and teeth or ate anything, I feel empty without the blonde by my side. She's out there with only her rifle to comfort her. A little knock on my door breaks me out of my thoughts and makes me shut my eyes because I really do not want to be disturbed right now. My door slowly opens making a creaking noise as it shines light into the black pit I call my room.

"Mija?" I hear and I instantly know it's my papi from the warm manliness tone to his voice. I want to talk to him I really do but I just can't bring myself to it, I haven't talked to anyone since Brittany walked around that corner and left. With my eyes closed I pretend to be asleep but my papi being the clever man he is smirks and shakes his head. "I know you're not sleeping Mija, you snore when you sleep" He laughs and I frown.

"I do not!" I croak out, my voice hoarse from the insane amount of crying I've done and of course not speaking to anyone for hours. Papi shuts the door and walks further into my room, I expect him to come over and sit on my bed but he goes to my window and opens my curtains. My eyes squint and I hiss as the sunlight burns my puffy red eyes which are sensitive to the light as I've been in the dark. Perks of having black curtains, it keeps the light out.

"Time to get up Dracula" He jokes but I don't laugh or bare a smile, I just groan and lift the covers over my face to protect me. I hear my papi sigh and walk over to me so I clench my hands tighter over my duvet but it doesn't stop my father from ripping the warm piece of protection off my face.

"Papi!" I snap but he shakes his head clearly unfazed by my stubborn behaviour. He take a seat next to me and as I look into his eyes I see the sadness in them, he misses Brittany too but he knows what I'm going through. Well he doesn't because I'm pretty sure he has never had to deal with the person he loves going out to war.

Papi smiles gently as he looks down at me as I huff and rub my sore eyes.

"Santana you have to get up, sitting in bed all day is not going to solve anything" He explains but I just scoff.

"Getting up isn't going to solve anything either" I retort making my papi sigh. He shakes his head and pats my duvet lightly like he's thinking of something to say.

"I know it's hard for you Mija but you can't spend your life in bed." He sighs and I frown angrily, like I said I'm really not in the mood for anyone to lecture me.

"You don't know how hard it is Papi! Brittany is out in Afghanistan, she could fucking die. What am I going to do if she dies?" I breathe, my eyes starting to water and my chest feeling tight at the thought of Brittany not coming back. Papi opens his mouth but I shake my head. "She's been gone a day and I feel paralyzed, how am I going to cope for 3 months?" I exclaim with tears streaming down my face. Papi doesn't say anything he just engulfs me in a big hug, cradling my head in his warm chest as I sob gently.

"She's strong and very smart Santana, she loves you and made a promise to come back. I don't think she'll break it, I know Brittany and she will fight her hardest whilst thinking of you because Mija you are her everything and she told you that" He coos into my ear as I sniff and wipe my nose on his t-shirt, waiting for him to carry on. "You'll cope because you are strong and you have family and friends who are going to support you and push you through this. Remember you can still speak to Brittany and I guarantee when you do she'll want to know what you've been up to, and when you tell her that you've been moping around it will make her feel bad." He explains and I sigh because he's right, why are parents always right?

"She won't know if I don't tell her" I grumble and my papi pulls away with raised eyebrows.

"Then you'd be lying to her, how would you feel if she lied to you about the war out there?" He retorts and I roll my eyes, brining my hand up to wipe the snot off the tip of my red nose. He smiles and runs his fingers through my tangled hair with a slight chuckle. "It breaks my heart to see you like this and it will break Brittany's too" He chimes and I groan.

My Soldier (Brittana fan fiction)* Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now