chapter 10

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Sighing, I debate whether I should really go tonight. I mean I fucking hate puck's guts and I don't really want to see him all over Santana, but then again Santana is going to be there. Santana invited me and it is polite to show, I'll only go for an hour or so, yeah. Oh for god sake I have to go through the whole wardrobe kafuffle like Tuesday, aw hell no. Checking the time I realise that it's only quarter to seven. After me and Martin took all the measurements of the garden and worked out where everything is going I headed home.

As I'm about to go upstairs I pass the front door and see mail scattered on the floor. I kneel down and pick it up, flicking through them trying to find one with my name written on it. I find one and instantly recognise the envelope still covered in sand and the black inked writing slightly smudged tells me that this is from Afghan. Walking up the stairs I can only think that it is from Joe, or maybe the SMA informing me on a new mission even though I'm not there, it's good to be updated for when you go back. Ripping the envelope open I take out the piece of paper and smile as it's from Joe.


Glad to know that you're okay, you scared the shit out of me when you were bleeding out in my arms. I seriously thought you were going to die buddy, but you're Brittany Pierce the strong fucking badass sergeant who would never leave her comrades and team. It's lonely out here without you dude, I have nobody to laugh at my shitty jokes, or to stop me from saying something stupid to all the hot ladies. You best get better, then you can come back in no time and be out there with me. Seriously though, recover and train don't forget to get better and come back stronger than you were before. My Mom and Sister and fine and they said hi and for you to get better.

Before I forget to tell you, Amy let me have my lunch next to her the other day and we actually had a real conversation, she didn't pie me or glare. I know she wants me dude. Like I said I hope to see you soon and then I can have my spot partner back, I'm building my strength you never know I can beat your record on the squats, military press and every other fucking record you have.

You better write back to me it doesn't look like we are moving any time soon, we haven't found all the hostages and I think the SMA have a new lead on a bomber, but don't you worry about that. Have fun with your dad and resting in your comfy little bed.

See you soon Sergeant.


Grinning, I fold up the letter and put it on my nightstand now knowing that Joe is going to be okay. He isn't exactly the most liked within the base and with other soldiers but I'm glad to know that he is getting along with Private Carr, he could use someone to set him straight. I just want to be back out there doing the thing that I am trained to do, what I have been doing for 4 years it's where my home is. Being back here and seeing Santana, my pop and everyone is a little overwhelming and I really do miss Joe. I shake my head, I should be grateful that I am home, that I get to see my family. Some soldiers didn't get that far and there's me complaining about it, I should be living my life and cherishing every second I get to spend with my pop and… Santana cause when I go back out there, there is a 50% chance I won't be coming back home and I will never see them again.

Thinking that snaps me out of the day dream and it really opens my eyes, I need to sort myself out. It's now seven and I know I should get ready soon, I rush into the shower and shut my eyes when the hot water hits my warm and silky skin. I put my head on my forearm which is up against the shower door and shiver when the water runs down my back and down to my crack. I look down at my body and watch as my right hand runs down my taught stomach down to my flaccid penis. I've never been ashamed of my extra appendage, I think it makes me different from anyone else. I can still remember Santana's face when she found out that I had a penis.

My Soldier (Brittana fan fiction)* Discontinued*Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя