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Santana's POV

A tiny tired grunt escapes my lips as my eyes threaten to open and wake me out of my peaceful slumber. The thought of what today is makes me want to shut my eyes and go to sleep again because it's the last day I get to spend with Brittany my girlfriend. Oh great I'm awake now! I sigh and open my eyes to be met with a blurry vision of the door. My hands come up to my eyes where I rub until I can see clearly. That's when I feel the warm body pressed up behind me and the pale arm wrapped around my waist, sprawled out onto my stomach. Brittany.

Smiling to myself, I stare at one spot on the closed door and listen to Brittany breathing quietly as she sleeps. She's always been a peaceful sleeper in the sense that she doesn't snore or move around in her sleep. If she lays in a certain position she will stay like that throughout the night, hence why she's still spooning me. My eyes move over to the other half of her room where there is a very large poster of Megan Fox in a provocative manner. I scowl at the thought of Brittany jerking off to any girl that isn't me but I obviously know she has. I turn in Brittany's arms so I'm now facing her sleeping face that looks so perfect. Her blonde hair is sprawled out all over her pillow and over the left side of her face. I gently brush it back and behind her ear and run my fingers down her jaw and to her chin where I catch a sight of the ring she brought me on my finger.

I sigh contently as I stare at the sparkling diamond, a promise ring, how amazing is that? It's probably the cutest gesture I have ever come across and trust me Brittany has amazed and wooed me many times. A promise ring, a promise that I'll wait for her and love her like she loves me. I'd go to the ends of the earth for Brittany, I'm sure I can wait a couple of months, weeks… years for her. I gently run my hand down her arm and then down to her hand which is around my waist, bringing it so it rests between our faces. Look between your fingers, You can see I'm the only one who fits between them runs through my mind, she says the cutest things which makes me fall for her even more.

Leaning forward, I kiss the back of Brittany's hand and then a kiss to her slightly parted lips. It only lasts 3 chaste seconds before I pull away and slowly get up and out of the warm broken pit that Brittany likes to call her bed. Seriously half of the bed is tipped on the floor it's that broken. I guess that's partially my fault but who cares about that? Making my way downstairs I can't wipe away the smile on my face because I'm Brittany's girlfriend, the thing that I've craved and wanted to be all my life and it's finally come true. Repeats of those cute things Brittany said keeps running through my mind and it makes me love her even more than I did, which is nearly impossible.

I walk into the kitchen to see James sitting at the booth with a mug of coffee in his hand and a newspaper in his other. I clear my throat and he looks up at me with a big smile when he realises someone is here.

"Morning Santana, here come and take a seat" He warmly says and I smile as I walk over to the booth and sit opposite him.

"Good morning" I politely say and he puts down his coffee and paper.

"Do you want anything to drink? Coffee? Juice? I'm just waiting on some croissants" He breathes and I ask for a coffee which he so happily makes. Brittany is lucky to have James, he's such a nice man and he is a good dad. James comes back to me with my coffee in a colourful mug and I take it gratefully. "So did you sleep well?" He asks and I hum with a nod as I swallow the hot coffee.

"Yeah, Brittany's a secret hugger" I grin and so does he with a little chuckle. "What about you?" I ask and he raises his eyebrows and lets out a breath.

"Slept like a baby" He laughs and I smile. He clears his throat slightly and I look at him as he licks his lips. "So today is—the last day that" He drawls off and his throat gets a little croaky but I know what he's trying to say.

My Soldier (Brittana fan fiction)* Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now