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Santana's POV

My eyes slowly flutter open as I roll my hips against the warm and cosy sheets that I'm laid upon. My vision is blurry from the sleep evident in my eyes and I bundle my hands up into balls and rub my eyes to get rid of it. Shivering, I look down to see that my bare chest is exposed and I hum lazily, yanking the duvet up and over my chest, covering myself like a cocoon. Exhaling deeply, I turn on my side and look at the empty space next to me. It takes me about a couple of seconds for last night to settle in and dawn over me. Me and Brittany had sex and it was probably the best night of my life. But wait, Brittany left.

Wait, what? Why would she leave her own house?

I let out a sigh of relief when I hear a familiar voice curse loudly downstairs. Slowly, I run my fingers over the crinkled bed sheet, the side where Brittany slept next to me. I cannot believe we had sex but… I don't regret it. That was the best sex I've had since, well, Brittany four years ago. Yes it's been a bloody long time. Inhaling sharply, I roll onto my back and throw my arms out, lazily feeling for my phone. It rang twice when Brittany was hammering me but of course I was a little preoccupied so I didn't answer. As soon as I see the name mami on my screen I groan loudly.

21:45-Missed call: Mami

22:23-Missed Call: Mami

22:25- From Mami: Santana where are you? You need to come back here now!

22:45- From Mami: the whole night is bloody ruined because of Brittany! I hope you're happy! No doubt you're with her anyway when you're boyfriend who just proposed to you is unconscious.

Groaning, I roll my eyes and chuck my phone on the bed, just picturing what my mami is going to say when I go back there today. Hmf, I could always just stay here with Brittany. Speaking off Brittany. I sit up so my back is pressed up against the broken headboard and scan the room. It's not like I can go down there naked, then again, maybe she'd like that. Spotting my bra on the other side, I get out of bed and shiver as the cold air hits my bare tanned skin and walk over to gather up my clothes.

I catch a waft of hot sex on myself and can't stop the smirk that plants itself on my face. Two times, she made me cum, two times last night. Ugh, just thinking of her body, those fucking abs, sends tingles down to my lady parts. Quickly sliding on my dress, shrug when I see how messed up and sex crazed my hair looks before walking downstairs. I hum at the smell radiating throughout the house and head to the kitchen, knowing that's where the yummy smell is coming from. A smile reaches my face when I'm met with a gorgeous blonde wearing a baggy t-shirt and some black boxers flipping some pancakes with concentration written all over her face. I don't realise I'm doing it but I lean against the wall and just watch her, occasionally glancing down at her long, strong sexy legs.

"It smells good in here" I break the silence and Brittany jumps slightly, looking at me with a startled look.

"Jesus Christ!" she exclaims and I laugh, walking into the kitchen and leaning against the counter. I look over to the booth area where there is plates of bacon, toast, waffles and pancakes. I let out a breath and look at Brittany with a smile.

"This is some breakfast" I chuckle and she shrugs with a smile, plating up the last of the pancakes and bringing them over to the booth.

"Coffee? Tea? Juice?" she asks and I choose coffee, I need my coffee in the mornings to function. She pours me a cup and takes a seat opposite me, smiling as she takes some of the food. I look at her and smile at the glow emitting from her, she looks different. A good different. Sex does that to a person, trust me. I'm feeling things I haven't felt since I was 17.

"Mm so good" I moan through a mouthful of bacon. Brittany laughs into her coffee and looks at me with this adoring look, making me blush slightly.

"um, we need to talk" she addresses and I swallow my bacon, knowing what she wants to talk about. Brittany looks down at her pancakes before looking up at me. "About last night-"she begins to say but I say before I think.

My Soldier (Brittana fan fiction)* Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now