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Life didn't go to plan, well not for me anyway. If you told me that me that I would be in the U.S. Army I would have laughed and wrapped my arms around my girlfriend. Ha! Yeah that's another thing that didn't go to plan. Me and my girlfriend breaking up. Now I know a lot of couples break up, you know it's just a high school fling and all that bullshit, but I didn't believe that. what makes my relationship different to any other? well I loved her with all my heart, honestly it hurt to be away from her. i could be myself around her my heart skipped a beat. No words could describe the way I loved her. Her smile, her laugh, her eyes....just everything about her.

I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with her but i was wrong.

the only problem was she was in the closet, big tim, me being me thought that she would come out and we'd be together in public... happy. she cared too much about her reputation and what other people would think about her than being with me. i know right? Ridiculous. She broke up with me in my senior year and then everything went downhill. I pulled away from the friends I'd always known. they were breaking into cliques, based primarily on what movies they were going to see or the latest shirt they bought from the mall, and I found myself on the outside looking in. screw them, I thought. in high school, there's always a place for everyone, and I began falling in with the wrong sort of crowed, a crowed that didn't give a frame about anything, which left me not giving a damn either.

I began to cut classes and smoke and was suspended for fighting on more than three occasions. I gave up sports, too. I'd played football but it's not like my pop would know, he never asked and he was too busy working. I became rebellious and my grades slipped, barely passing classes. My pa sensed that something was changing, but he was at a loss as to what to do with me. I suspect the school let me graduate simply because they wanted me out of there. I know my dad was worried, and he would sometimes mention collage, but by then I'd made up my mind not to go. growing up, I'd never considered entering the military. I mean pop had a good job owning his own building business and my ma, well have you noticed that I havent even mentioned her? she left me and my pop when I was 11, said something about moving on, but really she cheated on my dad and moved away to live with the man, and no doubt started a new family.

Most of the kids who'd been good students headed off to the university of North-Western Ohio or Ohio university, Liam campus. while the kids who hadn't been good students stayed behind, bumming around from one lousy job to the next, drinking beer and hanging out, and pretty much avoiding anything that might require a shred of responsibility. i feel into the latter category. in the couple years after graduation, I went through a succession of jobs, working as a waitress at outback steakhouse, tearing ticket stubs at the local movie theatre, loading and unloading boxes at the staples, cooking pancakes at waffle house, and working as a cashier at a couple of tourist places that sold crap to the out-of-towners.

i spent every dollar earned, had zero illusions about eventually working my way up getting fired from every job I had. for a while, I didn't care. i was living my life. i was big into boxing and sleeping in, and since I was living at home none of my income was needed for things like rent, food, insurance or preparing for a future, besides, none of my friends was doing any better than I was. i dont remember being particularly unhappy, but after a while I just got tired of my life. i began to realize that every night was the same. I'd be drinking beers and bump into someone I'd known from high school, and the they'd  ask what ibwas doing and I'd tell them, and the they'd tell me what they were doing, and it didn't take a genius to figure out we were both on the fast track to nowhere.

i dated dozens of wemon during that period. most were forgettable relationships. i used women and allowed myself to be used and always kept my feelings to myself. there was only one person who I had a stable and loving relationship with and that was long gone. i didn't know what to do untill I saw a commercial on tv about soldiers and the army. that's when it hit me. i mulled it over for a couple days, and in the end, my pop had something to do with my decision. not that I talked to him about it. of course we weren't talking at all by then. i was walking toward the kitchen one night and saw him sitting at his desk, as always drawing a multiple plans for buildings. i was struck by the notion that I had no right to keep letting him down after all he'd done for me. so I joined the military.

My Soldier (Brittana fan fiction)* Discontinued*Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat