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Finally my pop is home, I haven't seen him in like two days, and he's been busy with work and what not. I feel kind of bad though that I'm going out tonight, I'm taking Olivia out on a date. Well, I'm not sure if it's a date, I think it's just two friends going out for a meal. I like Olivia, but I'm not sure if we are going to be in a relationship. I don't know, it's only early so who knows what's gonna happen? Grabbing a beer from the fridge, I pop off the top and hold it in my right hand as I walk into the living room. My pop is lounging on the couch in his blue checked pyjama bottoms and a grey t-shirt, watching a cookery show. He's so engrossed with the show that he doesn't notice me place a beer down in front of him. His eyes flicker from the TV to me and then back to the TV, I grin and shake my head.

"You're welcome" I joke sarcastically and he waves me off. I suddenly don't feel too guilty about leaving him tonight. Speaking of tonight, I hope Olivia finds breadstix alright. Walking up stairs I think about the semi argument me and Santana had. What is her problem? She has hardly said one thing to me, yet she has the nerve to question me on who I'm apparently 'dating' or fucking. It angers me to think that she has any control over my life, who I see or anything like that. She doesn't. She chose puck, I chose the army. Our relationship, friendship whatever ended when she broke it off and broke my heart. It's all good for Santana, she's got everything she could ask for, two loving parents, a good job… A boyfriend. I could tell that she was never really happy with me, she was always jealous of Quinn who was dating Finn the quarterback of the football team automatically making Quinn popular. It upsets me to think that all Santana cared about was popularity, and not me, her best friend.

I see why people say you shouldn't mix your friendship with feelings because it only ends badly. It did end badly. I just don't get why she would go for Puck, out of anybody he was the only person that would really test my buttons and Santana knew that. I hate his guts so fucking much, but there's nothing I can do about it. A vibrating noise ripples against the wood of my bed side table and I pick up my phone and a smile instantly paints itself onto my lips.


18:24- From Sexy girl who spat on my face: just to let you know, I am wearing something very hot so get ready to be amazed ;) see you soon.

I grin and lick my lips, if she looks anything like she did on that night at that douche face's bar then, I'm going to be wowed and probably a lil turned on. Deciding on something to wear, I contemplate the weather. It is quite chilly out there tonight so I decide on a light grey crew neck sweater that clings to my top half nicely, showing off the outline of my arms, my flat stomach and of course my breasts and for the bottom half some light tight skinny jeans and some white low converses. I have a thing for white shoes, sue me. After straightening my hair and spraying some perfume I grab my keys and some money and drive over to breadstix.

I'm actually excited, it's been awhile since I've gone out to dinner or a 'date' with someone other than my pop or one of my army buds. It's only been like a day and I really Miss Olivia, is that normal? It takes half an hour to get to breadstix and as I pull up in a parking space I start to feel a little nervous. I'm not sure why, it's not like this is a date, but I feel like I could be potentially making a really good friend and I don't want to screw that up.

Good ol' breadstix hasn't changed a bit. The viny plants that clasp to the walls ever so freely gives it a natural appearance. The marble tiled floor beneath me gives the restaurant a clean yet warm appearance. The host's kind and gentle eyes look at their customers and politely ask for the number of the party attending and the smoking preference they prefer. They have soft cushion seats that let my body sink right down in them. I always notice the quiet atmosphere around me. This makes everyone's mood ever so noticeable. It isn't too fancy but it's not like a Burger King. Breadstix is a popular restaurant, but somehow it's peaceful and serves the most amazing Italian food ever. It's better to go to breadstix on a Tuesday or Sunday night. On a Friday and Saturday, it's normally packed with teens from school, me and Santana know that from experience. I used to take Santana here all the time because frankly she loved this restaurant more than she loved her ma. The difference is, I used to think it was a date, she didn't.

My Soldier (Brittana fan fiction)* Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now