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Santana's POV

Sighing, I throw down the blue pen in my hand onto the table with a groan. I can't fucking concentrate with everything going on right now. Brittany, Puck… Brittany! I can't stop replaying the almost kiss in my mind, how did I let that happen? God, I was touching her face, I was touching her! Wait, does that mean I instigated the kiss? Definitely not something I'm going to tell Puck. Puck. What a fucking idiot. I can't believe he fought with Brittany, I mean I really thought he wouldn't have been so stupid. Brittany is a military soldier, isn't that saying something? You don't want to mess with a soldier who's trained in hand to hand combat and stuff like that. You're already setting yourself up to lose. Puck and Brittany were on the same fucking football team at school, you need a lot of strength for that and Puck knows how good Brittany is with her arm. I just don't get why Puck keeps pushing Brittany to snap, I've seen it I mean come on if Puck was to talk about me the way he did when Brittany was there any other time I would have whooped his ass. I just don't get why I didn't when Brittany and her fuck toy was there.

I run my hand through my soft locks and glance at my vibrating phone. I flick through it to find a message from Puck.

13:24- From Puck: Babe, are you still mad at me? Why don't you come over and I can make everything better ;)

I shake my head as I stare at the text and clench my fists a little. All he wants is sex of me, I know it. This relationship is nothing compared to… Brittany's and I. It was a long time ago I know but I can still remember when she would bring me flowers out of the blue because I looked beautiful that day, or she would get breadstix take out when coach Sylvester pissed me off. I smile to myself, but then I remember that I never did anything for her. I secretly loved going on dates and all the romantic gestures that Brittany done but I never told her because I was afraid. Back then all I was focused on was my reputation. It's not like I would have been demoted right down to the bottom of the food chain if I came out and was actually with Brittany. I mean Brittany was just as popular as I was, maybe even more. She was the best halfback McKinley has had in years, scoring every game they had, me and her were practically joined at the hip so that added fear but Brittany was never one to slushy people. She would always smile at the geeks and nerds since she became a part of glee club. I was hesitant at first when Brittany told me, but I know Brittany loved to dance and sing and secretly so did I so we both joined. Can you imagine what Brittany did when the jocks slushied the gleeks? Who by the way were our friends at the time, she went ape shit on them. After that not a lot of the jocks or cheerleaders slushied them, except Puck. Brittany's just an all-around nice person and I don't know how she does it.

Groaning, I hear my phone vibrate again and I roughly pick it up and glare at the text from Puck.

13:27- From Puck: My jaw hurts so fucking bad! When you come over bring me some ice or some shit.

A smirk appears on my face at the state of Puck's jaw. Brittany always has had a good arm, not just in football. Brittany used to box, I don't know if she still does but the power in which she punched Puck then I'm guessing she does. I always used to hate the thought of Brittany getting hurt even though she barely got touched, she was always the one doing the pounding. Another reason why I can't believe Puck would fight her. I went to every one of her fights and I always acted like the crazy supportive girlfriend, because I was.

I let out a breath as I walk into the locker room, this is where the fighter and their coach warm up and stuff. I lean against the locker, the cold metal making me shiver a little. Brittany's back is towards me and I can't help but run my eyes over the muscle definition. Her traps don't stick out too much but just enough to tell you that she works out… Hard. The middle of her bag is a V shape when she flexes but her top back is covered by her black and blue sports bra and don't even get me started on her back dimples. Seriously I could spend all day looking at her pale, smooth sexy looking back.

My Soldier (Brittana fan fiction)* Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now