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Santana's POV

I don't know who pulls away but one of us does and I pant against the blonde's lips. Holy fuck that felt so good. My eyes slowly flutter open and I'm instantly met with bright blue ones that I've missed so much. I can't help the smile that takes over my face in this precise moment, I've just kissed Brittany and she kissed me back. I watch as her eyes flicker from my own back down to my lips then to my eyes, Does she want to kiss me again? I want to kiss her again, I want to feel her lips moving against mine. I lick my lips as I stare at her pink ones and slowly lean in again. Just as I'm about to feel those soft lips on mine my phone rings. I stop about an inch away from her lips and look up into blue eyes that seem disappointed as I pull away. Pulling out my phone, I'm praying that it isn't mami because I really can't speak to her right now, after what she said to Brittany I am furious and would probably say something that I would regret. Looking at the screen my heart stops for a second. Puck. Oh my god. I've cheated on Puck, out of all the things I am I have never been a cheater. He's a duck sometimes but he doesn't deserve to be cheated on. Brittany obviously noticing my shock and distress takes a step forward and looks at me with worried eyes.

"Hey, you okay?" She asks concerned and I look up at her and nod slightly before answering the call.


"Hey babe" Comes Pucks smug voice. I sigh a little and look at Brittany who's clearly wondering who I'm talking too. I meet her eyes and everything that I was thinking about a second ago just vanishes, her eyes are so blue. Like bluer than the ocean, bluer than the sky. One thing that any girl was jealous over was Brittany's eyes. "Hello babe? You there?" Puck repeats and I jump a little forgetting Puck was on the line.

"Yeah, I'm here. What's up Puck?" I ask, swallowing when I see Brittany's eyes darken at his name and sadness wash over her face before she clears her throat and walks over to her window. I frown a little but listen to my boyfriend on the phone.

"Your mom called me asking if you're with me" He states and my eyes widen a little.

"What did you say?" I ask with a slightly firmer tone of voice, waiting for his reply.

"I said you were at the bar… You're not so where are you?" He demands and I raise an eyebrow at the tone of his voice. Holy shit what do I say? I can't say that I'm at Brittany's because that will only end badly, probably him with a broken nose or something. I can't dip Brittany or myself into any more shit than we are already in. I have cheating to add to my plate now.

"I'm at the firm, I went in to do some last minute catching up before a trial tomorrow" I lie and lick my lips slightly when Brittany turns around to look at me with a small smile. I smile back and run my fingertips over Brittany's bed side table, frowning when I see an unopened letter resting underneath the lamp.

"Oh right… well how about you come over once you've finished?" He smirks and I roll my eyes, resisting the urge to sigh. Just as I'm about to decline I hear him speak again. "We can have a couple of beers. It's been ages since I've seen you babe" He whines and I pinch the bridge of my nose before agreeing.

"Fine, I'll come over. I'll be there in 20" I dejectedly reply, seeing Brittany clench her jaw and avert her gaze to the Megan fox poster on the wall. She's not even that pretty, her boobs are way smaller than mine and Megan is such a common name.

"Sweet. See ya babe" He grins and hangs up the phone. Sighing, I look over at the tall gorgeous blonde and know that I have less time to see her. Even less time now as I have to go and see Puck. Why does speaking to him and seeing him feel like a chore? A chore that I don't want to do.

"I've got to go" I mutter lamely and bow my head when I see Brittany purse her lips and nod stiffly. I want to tell her that I'd rather be here with her but... When I look up I see that Brittany has moved from her spot a near the window right up towards me. I'm startled a little but relax when I see her smile that soft beautiful smile of hers.

My Soldier (Brittana fan fiction)* Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now