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Brittany's POV

Sweat drips off my forehead as I hiss at my troops to get down with the gesture of my hand. Taking out the guard who was shielding the tunnel was easy, I didn't even have to use a bullet, eliminate any noise is important. A knife into the side of his neck works just as well as a bullet in his neck. The harsh light from the sun peaks through cracks throughout the dusty passageway. I drag my hand across the wall, picking up dust and grime. It has an odour like a stagnant pond but with an undercurrent of sewage, but it's not like there are public conveniences down here. It's not a place I want to be caught without a flashlight, that's for sure; but then it's not a place I want to be caught at all.

Descending down the Tunnel, I turn right with my rifle aligned naturally to my eye sight as I look from left to right searching for anything that could harm me and my troop. I come up to a left corner in the tunnel and notice light at the bottom, this is the way out and into enemy territory. Looking over my shoulder, I point to the exit and nod. Our boots smack against the ground as we slowly charge towards the exit and I take a deep breath before slowly stepping out whilst crouching and surveying the area. By the looks of it we're in some sort of basement that is practically falling apart, although it looks like there is no Taliban inside, just yet.

We shuffle in and look around, searching for weapons or anything that will come in hand. A banging above alerts us and I frown at the ceiling, looking over to my fellow soldiers. "Enemy movement above, Corporal Becker take my left, Private First Class Todd take my right. We go in and clear!" I command before bringing my rifle back up and slowly heading up the stairs with my troop behind me. Behind this broken door is a room full of Taliban and the question running through my mind is, Can I do this?

With one swift kick I barge through and pull my trigger at the guy with the balaclava wrapped around his face on the opposite side of me. The gunfire behind me lets me know that my soldiers have took out the other enemies in the building, signalling that it is safe, that is what I assume. Letting out a breath, I narrow my eyes and scan the room. There's opportunities for any enemy to pop out from behind one of these doors. "Check the room" I order and watch as the soldiers stomp towards the doors and peak behind them, turning around and nodding.


I move towards the large square hole in the wall, usually classed as a window but here there's no glass or wooden panes, it's just a square that hasn't been filled in with cement or whatever the fuck these Afghans use. Just as I expected the town is destroyed. It has less charm than a graveyard, at least those are places built out of sentimentality and love. This was a place built by greed and abandoned without a backwards glance. Just to stand amid the rotting town was enough to make me feel like a ghost, an unwanted spectre of the humans that came to take and never give, never to love the land or the nature, not to make a home or be respectful.

The homes and derelict stores are clustered close together, arranged down two single narrow street, though the reason for such proximity isn't clear given the thin soil stretches in every direction until the land rises to low hillocks.

My eyes narrow as I scan, specifically searching for enemies and it doesn't take me long to find men dressed the same, The females and Males all wear Shalwar kameez, it's like their tradition tunic of their country and are usually seen on terrorists and normal civilians in Afghanistan and Pakistan. They're spread out across the perimeter holding Ak-47's, meaning that there is no easy way to eliminate them.

I back away from the window and turn to my troops. "They're situated around the town, the best way of approaching this is to go left from right—"

"Why don't we just bomb them? If they're spread out then we drop a bomb on the whole town and boom!" Private Johnson suggests with a tone that sounds like its obvious, causing me to tilt my head and chuckle breathlessly.

My Soldier (Brittana fan fiction)* Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now