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Thank god I don't have to go over to the Lopez's today, I don't think I can deal with the awkwardness between me and Santana. Also having to deal with the questions from Martin about my face, Oh yeah your daughter's boyfriend done it. I woke up the s'morning feeling like crap, not only because of my face but what happened between me and Santana. I can't believe we had an almost kiss, I mean we're hardly talking, why the fuck did I lean in and try to kiss her? I really hope it doesn't make things worse between us, not that they aren't already with the whole Puck situation. Puck. I'm glad I got a few hits in, even though I feel kinda shitty. He shouldn't have got to me, I know how to control myself in circumstances like those and I shouldn't have flipped.

Where do I even begin with Olivia?

We kissed last night, well I kissed her first but she kissed me back. What am I doing? I want her as a friend but I think I want something more, am I leading her on? It's being back here it's taking its toll on me and I don't like it.

Jogging down the stairs and into the kitchen, I rush past my pop hopping that he doesn't see my bruised face. I guess being subtle isn't my strong point.


I freeze into the fridge and curse quietly under my breath. I slowly turn on my heel and grimace when he gasps, his eyes roaming all over my face.

"What the hell happened to you?" He demands and I shrug a little, acting like it's no big deal. I pour myself a glass of orange juice and look at my pop who's sitting at the booth reading a newspaper whilst munching on some toast.

"Got into a fight" I say simply and I frown a little at the tone of my voice. This reminds me of when I hardly used to talk to my pop, I just used to give him one worded answers. Is it going back to the way it was before?

"Are you serious? Brittany you're an adult now" he scolds and I roll my eyes a little, I really haven't got time to listen to my pop rant at me about being responsible. I know what I done was wrong, trust me.

"I know pop, there was a misunderstanding" I defend myself but it clearly doesn't diffuse the argument that is about to occur because my pop lowers his newspaper and looks fully at me with an unimpressed look on his face.

"What misunderstanding? And with who?" he asks and it feels like he already knows who it is making me wince a little. I look down at the marble counter top and run my finger over the same spot a couple of times.

"Puck" I mumble and I hear my pop sigh loudly and groan a little in disappointment. This is just what I need right now, I already feel like a pile of horse shit, I don't need my pop going on at me. Pop turns in the booth and look at me with an 'I can't believe this face'.

"What happened?" he stresses and I grunt, signalling that I don't want to talk about it. My pop doesn't take that as an answer. "Give me a proper answer!"

"Fine! He started it, he grabbed my bad shoulder and I pushed him. It broke out from there" I shake my head, remembering the fight and feeling a little angry. He did start it, I mean all I did was look at Santana, that's not a crime.

"He got you pretty bad" my pop smirks a little looking at my cut eyebrow and my bruised nose. I roll my eyes and fiddle with my fingers.

"Yeah well I got him as well" I mumble and I hear my pop let out a chuckle. I chug down my orange juice and place the cup in the sink.

"Are you not going over the Lopez's to help Martin?" my pop asks and I shake my head with a yawn.

"I texted in saying that my shoulder was hurting" I shrug and my pop gives me a pointed look.

My Soldier (Brittana fan fiction)* Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now