"Uh no thanks, just stopped by to say hello" She states then looks at me with a smile about to walk off but not before saying good bye. "Bye Sergeant" she says looking at me with a smile then Joe clears his throat a little and she looks to him. "Becker" she says and walks off. As soon as she's out of sight I start to laugh and Joe shakes his head.

"She's so hot!"

"Yeah and totally not into you" I say as I take position behind the rack ready to spot Joe.

"She's just playing hard to get, I know she wants me" He says with a tone of certainty and playfulness. I roll my eyes and meet his eyes with a raised eyebrow.

"Think what you want Joey boy"

After a few more exercise that consist of some squats, Bicep curls and military press we call it and go to freshen up. I share a tent with the Staff Sergeant Bill Duffy and my buddy Corporal Joe Becker. Normally they don't really put the males and females together in a same tent but they allowed me after knowing about my condition. I was born with a penis instead of a vagina so you know that sort of a turn off towards the men. I'm gay so, and I'm with my pals so. Walking over to my cot I sit down and reach for a tanned t-shirt and put on my fatigues considering that it is time to go and eat. We have to look respectful when we eat or are in training but when we are off duty i.e. doing sports, laying around or anything like that we can wear some cammie's and a tanned or grey army top.

I head over to the meal tent and walk in to see many faces. It may sound weird but I actually like this, all of us being here together, it sort of feels like a family. One big soldier family. I walk past the SMA (sergeant major of the army) and nod my head at him with a smile.

"Sergeant major" I say and he looks at me and smiles whilst holding his cup full of water.


Everyone here makes little greetings like that, it's just politeness and helps people get by. I walk over to the line of hungry soldiers and grab a tray from the pile and wait to be served. As soon as it's my turn I walk with my tray and scan the variety of foods in front of me. Food in the army can go two ways, it tastes okay or it tastes so bad you need to mouthwash twice to get the rancid taste out of your mouth. But since we are at a base the food doesn't come from a MRE, so I should be okay. I look up at a chef from the ACC (Army Catering Corps).

"Hmm, can I get the chicken fajita please" I say and the chef dressed in a white uniform with a beret placed on their head places a chicken fajita on my tray. We are entitled to a main course, a side snack, dessert, a beverage and some sauce. The chef puts a cracker with some spread on my plate and I Scan the puddings. There's blackberry jelly or a sugar cookie. "A sugar cookie and some tropical punch please" after I've got my dinner I grab my tray and walk to a table where I see my buddy Joe. I walk up to the table and lay down my tray, looking around the table there's about 20 people seated all munching away. I get greeted by a lot of them and I sit down.

"Chicken fajita? Nice" Joe says as he shovels a spoonful of spaghetti into his mouth. I chuckle and rip open the cheese sauce and spread it over my cracker. Being honest some of the food that we get here isn't that bad. I take a bite of my cracker and then switch to my fajita. Small conversations are going on with different people, I look at Joe.

"We've got a briefing with the sergeant major about our next mission" I say casually as I munch on my fajita. Joe looks at me and nods as he sips on his grape beverage. We know when we walk into that office filled with other soldiers and Sergeants that are in charge of other groups of people we are given orders to go out and kill.

"About time Britt, we've been here for what? A week." Joe says with a mouthful of food. I grimace playfully and shut his mouth.

"Don't talk with your mouthful Corporal" I say with a teasing smile and he laughs heartedly. I smile because I love his laugh, it's one of those laughs where they make you laugh and it just makes me smile. He is a really great guy if you can get passed the fact that sometimes he's a bit of a pig. I look back down to my meal and pick at my cookie.

My Soldier (Brittana fan fiction)* Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now