First Sight Attraction

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AN: Hi guys this is the first book I'm making so ya forgive me for all the spelling mistakes and errors. If you just find any just hmu so I can fix them. I also don't know how to put the cast members for the book so I'll just put pictures of Arielle and Jennifer consistently and other important people that come up until I figure out how to do that lmao but if you know how to do that to just hmu so you i can I can fix that too. Man idk why im writing this at 12 when I should dead be sleeping but anyways enjoy the story :).

Jennifer's POV:
I walked into my favorite club, Michael's. I'm usually a regular at this place, the owner Mike, well he's one of my best friends. I went up around the bar area and found myself a table and waited for a waiter to come and get my order.

"Hello Miss, what would you like today?" A blonde haired woman said to me.

Hm. I've never seen her before, that probably means that she hasn't heard about me yet. She looks like a catch maybe I could use this to my advantage...

I gave the girl my signature smile and said "Can I have you? I mean if you're fine with being the only thing I want."

The girl looked down and blushed, not knowing what to say. I was about to use another line on her when I heard a voice yell out my name. I looked around and tried to find the person who called out my name. I finally saw my best friend running towards me waving.

"Jennifer! Wow I didn't know that you'd be here today." Mike said to me.

Mike was hands down one of the most handsome men I have ever met. And trust me I've met a lot of men. Mike's full name was Michael but we called him Mike for short. Mike was about 6'2, he was somewhat tanned and had light brown eyes and hair; but what got the ladies to be all over him was he defined jawline that was as sharp as a knife.

"What else do you expect I mean I am your #1 one customer that happens to be here like everyday." I retorted back.

"Ah. I guess you're right about that," he then turned to the blonde waitress and looked back to me and said "Well I guess you've found my new waitress, her name's Isabella."

I looked back at the waitress named Isabella and said "Isabella...that's a beautiful name for a beautiful woman as yourself." And winked at her.

Mike watched me say that with a smirk then he leaned over to Isabella's ear and covered his mouth like he was telling and secret and said loud enough for me to hear "Isabella you need to be wary of this one, she's just using you to get in your pants."

I gave Mike a glare that told him to shut up and he seemed to get the point seeing as he moved his fingers over his lip like he has zipping up a zipper. Mike then looked back at the waitress and said "Don't worry about this one I can handle her go around and ask the other bar tenders if they need any help." The girl nodded and walked away.

Mike turned his attention towards me and asked "Do you want your regular?"

I sighed and looked towards Mike and said "Sure...thanks."

He looked at me with guilt in his eyes and said "I'm sorry what I said to her Jen but I had to. I couldn't let you go around and try to screw one of my employees."

I understood what he was saying but he didn't have to do it in that specific way.

"Yea Mike, it's okay. I understand..."

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