"Where are we going?"

"For a walk."

"You do realize it's winter, right?"

"Hence the reason why I said to dress warm."

"I guess I'm fine."

"Good, let's go then."

We stepped outside, and Harry took my hand as we started to walk. We were headed to the woods which led to the fields he brought me to during my first visit to Holmes Chapel. Every time we visit, we walk here. I shivered a bit, and Harry wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"I told you to dress warm."

"I thought I was warm."

"We're almost there."

"Almost where, Harry? I–" We made it over a hill and a picnic set up in the middle of the field just like the first time. Only this time, there was candles all around the area.

I smiled and looked at Harry. "Is this the surprise?"

"Part of it." He pulled me over, and we sat down on the blanket. He took some little sandwiches, fruit, and desserts out of the basket before turning on a speaker. We sat there eating and looking at the scenery. The song changed to our song, 'Kiss Me' by Ed Sheeran and Harry stood up. "May I have this dance?" He smiled and gave me his hand to pull me up.

"You may."

I grabbed his hand, and Harry pulled me close. We swayed back and forth a bit before Harry said, "You know I love you, right?"

"I do."

"I remember, after you bumped into me at Starbucks, looking at you and thinking you were the most beautiful women I had ever seen. I kept thinking of ways to keep you there longer, so I could talk to you. Then you left me outside, and I almost went back inside to ask the barista if she knew you."

"That was my first time at the Starbucks, so it wouldn't have helped you."

"Then I remembered you said you were going to the show, so I going to get a disguise to come find you, but Paul and the lads told me it was pointless."

"Makes sense."

"Then you show up at the meet and greet, and at that moment, I knew you were meant to be mine."

"Weird how the universe works."

"When you came back that night, I knew you were special.

"I was so nervous that entire day. I was trying not to freak out being around you and the boys."

He smiled. "Then after I said I loved you the first time, I knew you would be the one I'd marry."

"Is that so?"

"Yep, but then I was stupid and made a stupid mistake and let you walk away. I thought I'd die. My heart was broken, and my days were empty without you."

"Same here. I only dated to get you off my mind, but it was impossible."

"Then you ended up with that fucker, and I knew he was bad for you, and when I realized what was happening, I wanted to kill him. If it wasn't for them pulling me off him that night, I would have." His jaw clenched a bit. I kissed his jaw and he relaxed a bit. "I was so scared we wouldn't get to you in time, and I'd be without you forever."

"I'd always be with you, but Harry you did get me in time. You saved my life."

"He still hurt you, and I still can't forgive myself for letting you go."

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