"You're right but no one said you couldn't touch me. Plus it's going to be the same for me with you running around in your tiny shorts and no shirt. You still have those yellow shorts?"

"Ha no those have be retired." He smiled at me. "So let the teasing commence." He gave me a quick kiss. "I love you."

"I love you too. Now lets go relax."

The first day was pretty peaceful. We got there in late afternoon so we all lounged around for a bit and then had dinner. Everyone was headed to the living space to play games when Harry pulled me back. "Come here real quick."


"Just come here please."

"Harry we're not having sex when everyone is right there."

"Did I say anything about sex?" He smirked. I rolled my eyes and followed him. He took me outside to the top deck. "Ok look up."

I looked up and since were out on the water away from the lights of town, the sky was lit up with stars. "I haven't seen the sky this clear since we were in Ireland. It's so beautiful and peaceful."

"Not as beautiful as you look right now."

"Nope you ruined it with the cheesy line."

He rolls his eyes. "Ya ya. But you are the most beautiful women ever." He pulled me in and kissed me. One kiss lead to two and two lead to making out. The only thing that broke us apart was a passing boats horn that scared the shit out of me. Harry laughed. "Come on lets go back down and play games."

We walked back to play games with the family. We walk in and I see Anne look up and smile. "Where were you two?" My sister asked.

"Looking at the stars."

"Mmm bet you were."

"Seriously? We were gone 10 minutes."

"It's called a quickie." She said and Robin spits out his water and everyone looked shocked at my sister. "What?"

"You don't just blurt stuff out like that Ashley. We all had our doubts but you don't say it." My mom scolds my sister. She just shrugged.

"Ok seriously guys, we weren't doing anything. We were just looking at the stars." I say again.

"Ok dear we believe you." Anne said smiling.

"Ok there may have been some making out but nothing else." Harry admits.

"The truth comes out. Tab don't try to act innocent when you have a hot boyfriend like that. We know you too well." My other sister says. I roll my eyes and sit next to Anne. She pats leg.

We spend the rest of the night playing games and just talking. I was sitting on Harrys lap playing with his hair and look over to my mom and Anne talking. I move over to sit by them and wish I hadn't.

"Tab was quite as a child but then she got into sports. She turned into this tomboy and for the longest time I thought she was gay," My mother reveals.


"What? You dated but you hated to dress up or even act like a girl." She looked at Anne again. "I remember one time at a summer basketball tournament, they were getting ready to start the game and both teams were wearing the same color. Our teams jersey were reversible so we decided we would change. All the other girls ran to the bathroom to change. Tab, right there in center court, took her jersey off and flipped it around."

"I had a sports bra on. It covers more than most swimsuits," I shrugged my shoulders.

Anne sat there smiling at my mother and I going back and forth.

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