30. coffee and groceries

Start from the beginning

ya i'm down joonie, but i get to choose what we get for lunch!

bitch ass mia

...hahahahahah holy fk

Mia got ready for the day and told Namjoon that she was ready. They planned on hanging out with each other all day and Mia was excited. She hadn't hung out with Namjoon in so long and she just needed some Joonie time.

Once Namjoon picked Mia up, they started heading towards downtown which held plenty of shops that contained different material everywhere. Namjoon was playing different genres in the car which Mia absolutely loved since she was getting introduced to all types of different music.

"We should go to that music shop!" Namjoon yelled over the music which Mia just nodded frantically. Mia has never been in the music shop from downtown because she never got the time.

Once Namjoon parked, he asked Mia if she would take a picture of him infront of the music shop and she was more than happy to.

"Dude, holy shit! They have everything here!" Namjoon exclaimed while walking towards the middle of the music shop. When Mia walked inside, she instantly felt relaxed and inhaled the smell of plastic around the new cds and the old, musty smell that the old records contained. The music store wasn't that big but it was okay. The smell also had a hint of the coffee aroma since there was a cute cafe right next door. Taehyung would probably love this place, Mia thought.

"Hey, are you okay?" Namjoon touched Mia's shoulder and she just nodded towards her friend while smiling, spotting a Sleeping At Last album. (holY CRAP THE ATLAS ALBUM SLAY ME)

"I love this album!" Mia smiled as she started humming to the song "Saturn" in her head.

"Don't you already have that album? I mean you've played it like a billion times in your room one time, I mean-" Mia just laughed while punching Namjoon to shush it.

"Doesn't mean I can't get another one!" Mia exclaimed while putting it under her arm to look for more CDs.

They found more albums to buy and then went to the cashier to pay.

"You want to go to the cafe next door for a little sit down and talk?" Namjoon smiled with his dimples popping out.

"Of course, Joonie!" Mia smiled while grabbing her bag.

Once they entered the cafe, their senses were just filled with coffee and baked goods. Mias mouth was watering since she hadn't eaten at all since she woke up.

"Hello! Welcome to May's. How can I help you?" A girl that looked slightly familiar asked the newcomers.

"What's up, Hay! I didn't know you worked here. Wow, that's fast." Namjoon talked to the girl behind the counter as she beamed towards him.

"Oh, hey Namjoon! Yeah, I just wanted to get out of the house. Parents aren't home since you know dad is in a different country and mom is on a business trip already." Hay smiled while smiling at the customers who walked out of the cafe when they were finished with their refreshments.

"Is your mom going to be gone for Christmas? You can totally come over whenever you want and chill with me and my gang. We're actually having a get together soon next friday if you want to come."

"Oh no, she's coming back on Tuesday so Christmas Eve. But I will totally go to your get-together if that's okay with you and your friends..." Hay trailed off and looked at Mia who carried a blank face the whole time.

Mia raised her eyebrows and just nodded, "Oh, yeah. You're totally welcome. No worries." Mia smiled. 

"Okay, cool. So do you guys want anything? We have a special right now where if you get a large cup of hot choclate, then you can get a cinnamon scone for free." Mia looked over at Namjoon pleadingly, wanting the cinnamon scone badly.

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