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I jumped and skipped about in the dorm room.

Only looking for my keys, plus I was really excited. Another chance with Bon.

I looked down, noticing a text from Bon.
A smile crawled its way on my face.

Bon❤: hey I'm read
You: ok let me find my keys and wallet
You:it might take a while you can come over if you want
Bon❤:got it. See you in a few
You: got it ;)

I turned off my phone. A giant geeky smile on my face as well.
"Hey Rin. You leaving?"
Turning around I noticed a figure just above my head. It was Nash.

He stood just above me. Only being about two inches taller.

"Uh, ya I am. Why?"
"Oh, I found your keys."

He dangled them at my view.
"Thank you" I grabbed for them. Just before they were in my reach he pulled them away. Putting hem back behind him.
"Can I have them. They're mine.."
"Under one condition."
"And what it that?"
"You cancele this lunch date with bon."
"Hell no! Give them. I'll tell Yukio you like me."
"Oh..But what if I do. And why would Yukio care?"
"A-arent you two dating?"
"What?! Me and Yukio. No thank you. Me and him are just fuck buddys."

I stifled a laugh covering my mouth.
"You guys are?! Yukio likes it!?!" I yelled.

"I like what?" I saw Yukio coming around the corner. A brow raised.
"Oh nothing I was just wishing good luck to Rin and handing him his keys."

He dangled them up in the air once again. I took my chance and grabbed them. I ran out the door, running into a familiar figure.

"Sorry!" I yelled, brushing my clothes of the dirt. "No it's fine sor-" the male stopped himself.

"Way to see you again"
"More like, run into each other"

I made a cheesy joke, and Bon seemed to enjoy it. He laughed as well.

"Ya, just about," he finished his fit of giggles.
"You ready to go?"
I asked. Concern in my tone.

"Yes I am. Don't worry." Bon smiled at me.


At the small cafe bon and I ordered some coffee and a bread of some sort.

I had to be special and get a cookie as well.
"So...Why do you feel it's necessary to talk?"
I started. Taking a sip of warm coffee.
"It all kinda started...More in the beginning. When it was Yukio and just us. When you weren't around I would say."

I nodded my head, listening attentively to the stronger figure.

"I felt the need to, get good grades and defeat Satan. I always felt that...I always felt it was my duty to do so. I believed I could. And everyone doubted me. Even my own teacher. I felt like I could do it. So once everyone found out that I wanted to defeat Satan. Shima and Kone where the only ones to be nice about it. You know? The only ones to feel like I could..."
He took a sip of coffee. And began again his voice not as croaky.

"So that's why I felt the need to stick to them. That's also why I got all these piercings. So I look tougher then I really am. So people don't mess with me. You know? That's why I'm surprised you stuck to me...Let's just skip around to where you came along. When you came I realized, there's something wrong with you. Once I found out I didn't really like the feeling of you. Or you just in general."

I looked down as Bon spoke about me. Not the best first impression.

He laughed a little. "I think my favorite part about you when we had our first mission is, you tried doing shit on your own. No matter what. I mean you got friends for a reason Rin."

I looked back up again. His impression on me a lot better. I loved it.

"So then on, we dated and shit got crazy...And we broke up. But here we are now.."

I locked my eyes with his. The physical warmth of his hands met mine. I smiled. And blushed a tad bit.

"I remember when you first blushed. Cute night." He spoke. Staring out the window. Examining the lights down the street. Trying to focus on all the drops along the window, watching as they all fell slowly. Collecting more on their way.

He met his eyes with mine. An instant rush of energy surged through me. "Hi. I'm Bon. You are?"

I was confused as first. But then I got what he meant. We were starting over.
My second chance.

THATS GONNA BE ALL. IM STARTING THE NEXT BOOK CALLED SECOND CHANCE? Or should I not? I kinda wanna get it to 2K reads. Shit I'm surprised it got this far. This is surprising. Never thought I could find joy in this. Thank you, and I love reading comments, but I never get them (so lonely ;-;) I will reply even if a short '❤' I read it and I loved it. Even if it's something rude. I take it into consideration so I can make my books better for you guys. You guys have no idea how much I actually enjoy it. But I sometimes can't do it because I got writers block and I feel bad so I try informing you guys on things so it's not like I'm just stopping there. I really need your help on wether or not to end the book here and start the other one...Cause in got 3 books to update EVERY 10 READS. I do check in on my chapters because I like to see what you guys read (see) when you read, I want you guys to get the best type or form of writing. I want to be like Rin. Have a good first impression. I love you all. You are my baby's. And I will take care of you. If you need anything message me? Even if it's not about the book. If it's a problem in life I'll do anything I can to help. I love you all. Bye❤👌

Rin x Bon  Love Or Not?       |Finished|Where stories live. Discover now