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You felt Bon put a hand on your shoulder as you began walking away.

He looked at you. Sincere apology.
"I'm sorry...If I knew that maybe you and me could work things out..I would've actually tried...But instead I was more afraid of losing you.."

He looked down.
So did you. The moment was really awkward.
"Hey Rin. Who's this..?"

Nash came up. A hint of anger in his tone.

"Right. Nash meet Bon. Bon meet Nash." You stepped back so the two could get a view of each other.

"Oh.....Hi." Bon awkwardly said.

"Hey," Nash said. Almost flirtatious.
You got jealous.

"Uh..So Nash. About the date?" You cleared your throat, and looked at Nash who had been staring at Bon.

"Oh. Right, it's at 6, so I'll see you there." He waved a goodbye to you and left. Completely ignoring Bon.

"He's weird. I don't like him." He looked at your hair.
"Ha, he likes you." You said a smirk growing on your face.

"Gross. Anyways I gotta head to my dorm. Bye Rin."
He opened his arms for a hug.
You accepted it.

Hugging Bon, you felt as if nothing could hurt you. Like you were in a safe during war, and nothing got to you.

The hug lasted a lot longer then you thought, because bug had already tried to tell you to let go. But you were to deep in thoughts to hear.

"RIN?!" He yelled pulling away from your grip.

"Bon..I'm so sorry. I guess I missed hugging you. Or being with you just in general..." You looked down. Already missing his touch.

"I do to. But, like we already talk to each other about. You have Nash."
He spoke with a dominant voice.

"Your right...But Bon..Like I said. Nash likes you. And me."
You wanted to cry in anger.
At this point, it felt like crying was the only thing you did.
Crying was the only way to get everything out.

"I wish he didn't like me. He gives me bad vibes. I don't like him. Rin..Please cancel the...Date with Nash. I don't trust that it's by a forest. I mean isn't that a bit, I don't know...sketchy?"
He looked at you. A brow raised.

"Well. I guess you can see why. But. If I'm feeling uncomfortable, I'll call you.  Go it?" You gave a reasurring smile.

"Fine. Even if it's a little. You call me right away." He made a stern look at you before turning away.

Walking back to his dorm. 'maybe it's time I head back to mine.' you thought. Walking the direction you thought your dorm was in. Then, you got completely confused.

'Is it..Here..No that's the girls...' you squinted.your eyes in thought.

'Maybe north of the fountain...And upstairs...?' you looked around some more.

But the place had felt so unfamiliar it scared you.

Rin x Bon  Love Or Not?       |Finished|Where stories live. Discover now