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"cool, we meet at the park today around..4?"

Nash spoke with soft words. Relaxing almost.

You gave a cheeky smile along with a nod.

"K here's my number, I gotta go to class."

Nash grabbed a marker from his back pocket, and slipped up your sleeve and began writing his number.

You said your goodbye's out in the hallway, and began walking your separate ways.

For some reason, you wanted to turn around and skip class, just to hang out with Nash and talk to him even more.

You craved his presence.
No reason to love it.
You just did.

But you ignored it. Or really the truth is, Yukio was in the hall. Glaring at you.

You knew trouble had been coming.

You gave a fake smile while walking up to, the crossed armed Yukio.

"Why are so late. Huh? Rin. I'm your brother, at least try and make it to my class."

Yukio could never stay angry for long. He would usually end up being the one to say sorry.

"So, I'm also your brother, try not and be jealous of who I dated." You glared him in the eyes as you shoved passed him and into class.

"What do you mean?"
Yukio followed shortly after.

Turning around, "I know you wrote the piece of paper, don't play dumb. How did Shima already have a written note for me when we weren't even partners yet? Yukio, to be the son of Satan, I thought you would be smarter then that."

You bared your k-9s at him, and flashed your tail. Chuckling before walking to your seat.

"I'm astonished Rin, I thought you would never find out."

Yukios face flushed a bright red. As he walked over to behind his desk.
Adjusting his glasses he began speaking.

"So now that Rin is back, we can finally get the lesson going."

He pulled out his laptop, and connected it to the projector.

"As you can see, the portals to our world and their world has been lowered, by 5%. out of 100%. So that's progress.
And the headmaster wants us to do a border check tomorrow for class."

Yukio would look down, switching the slides with even more information.

Making it even more, and more, boring.
And tiring.

You ended up falling asleep.
Having the bell wake you up, and having you remember about Nash, you shot up, and began packing up.

Until you felt your phone vibrate.
It was Bon.

You completely forgotten!

You face palmed yourself, and began texting him back.

Bon💙: hey! I'm excited to see you today...And I want to tell you something.

You: ya..Bon.. About that, I accidentally forgot during class, and I made plans with someone else unknowingly! I'm sorry Bon and I'll try and stop by!

Bon💙:oh, then what I have to say isn't so important. By Rin, you can try and stop by.

When the word try was read in your head, you felt a sharp pain, go through your heart and through your back.

A harpoon almost.

Messaging the number written on your arm.

You: hi is this Nash?

Unknown: uh yes, who's this?

You: it's me Rin, I'm gonna have to cancel the plans, I forget about the plans with my friend in the hospital. Sorry, maybe tomorrow?

Unknown: sure why not, I got some homework to do anyways. Bye Rin

Reading Nash's texts felt nothing like talking to him in person.

I'm person, there was so much feeling, but when texting, it feels that he has no interest in you.

It bothered you.

"Rin, I have to lock the doors soon. Are you leaving or not?" Yukio burst your thoughts.

"Uh ya, sorry Yukio. Please don't wait out for me, I'm gonna go hang out with someone I just met. Bye!"
You threw your all black hoodie on and began walking out with all your stuff.

Not even waiting for a reply from Yukio.

You didn't care.
You felt bad for making a promise with Bon, and completely blowing him off.

Running to the hospital, you had remembered what room he was in.

Giving a light knock to the door, creaking it open a bit to hear a reply.

"Come *cough* in!"
Bon yelled as loud as he could.

Rin x Bon  Love Or Not?       |Finished|Where stories live. Discover now