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Walking towards Shima awkwardly.
You both said your Hi's, and sat down. Holding up a card, written with some words, and a piece of tape, Shima slapped it into your back.

Being a bit surprised by the sudden movement, and yelled in pain.

"OUCH. WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!?!" you turned your head to face the now nervous Shima.

"Putting it onto your back."
Man was he a smart Alec.

"Well could you not. And plus I have to read it first."
You narrowed your eyes at him.

Grabbing the little card, it read, "the fact that he dated Bon and I didn't."

Your face flushed red. He smiled.
Having you been more embarrassed the ever. You put the note back onto your chest.

"You know what, it's time I show I'm gay. So nice try, bitch." You smirked at the salmon colored boy.

"What ever. Write one for me."
He glared at you, crossing his arms.

"K got it."
Scribbling some words, you shoved the note onto his chest.

"You hate that I'm a little girl..?"
He raised his eyebrows in confusion.

"Ya. Super whiney and annoying." You put your finger on his chest with the beat of your words.

"AM NOT!" Shima said in a, whiney voice. Meaning he was lying.

"Sure. Anyways everyone is done, what do we do?" Looking around at everyone, who sat awkwardly with their partners.

Avoiding eye contact and whatnot.
Waiting for Yukio to say something.

"OK class. Now that it seems you are all finished, I would like you to read them out to the class, beginning with, 'blah blah hates that I,' so on."

Adjusting his glasses and fixing his posture he pointed to the pair of people​ closest to the left.

Finally getting to you and Shima, your face flushed a bright red.
Taking a deep breath in, you began speaking.

"Renzo hated that I dated Bon, and he didn't. " you looked down in shame. As everyone began laughing at the thought of you and Bon.

"OK class, quiet down." Yukio spoke out loud.

No one could hear him under the roar of laughter coming from the students.

The pressure got supper overwhelming. It began taunting you.
Little by little.

To the point where you began tearing up, and asking to go to the bathroom so no one could see, the shame you put yourself in.

Rin x Bon  Love Or Not?       |Finished|Where stories live. Discover now