no your not.

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So mainly the story was based on Bons POV so that's why his are longer. (Longer he he)

Running away with tears in your eyes, you stopped to see Yukio, "oi! Bon you alright there??" Did he notice you crying? Or is it that your running away? "No I'm not..." You let the words finally out, "tell me everything I could probably help, I am a teacher and student." I looked down taking off my hoodie, "right, could we talk about it at your dorm?". "Ya, of course"; walking back you started to fill it in ignoring the big parts. Walking in you were freezing "come along, I need to find a heater, I don't know why its so cold right now". As he was Turning the heaters on, you started once more "so Yukio, ever since me and Rin were partners up, I started like him more and the point were I'm left here with a crush on him.." Yukio was surprised to find that out, "is that why you aren't very fond of Asuna?" I looked down "ya, I saw them kissing in the hall, that's why I've been crying lately"

You shoved Shima back, "why are you here??". Shima was startled when Asuna said that. "Boyfriend?? He's your boyfriend?? But Asuna just got here!" She smiled the smile that you loved, "me and Rin seemed to have a lot in common". You watched as she shoved Shima away from her. Getting up you grabbed Asuna and walked back to your dorm hoping Yukio wasn't home. You walked into the dorm room to see a crying Bon on Yukio. "What is Bon doing here...crying..". Yukio look at Asuna "I'll just say two people." He said in the coldest way you ever heard him talk. You looked over at Asuna who looked worried and happy. Bon looked up not realizing you and Asuna where here, "WHY ARE YOU SMILING YOU EVIL BITCH?, I WILL SLIT YOUR THROAT!" Bon angrily said as tears continue to come down his face. Asuna walked over to Bon and seductively wiped a tear from his face, "its alright baby, everything's gonna be allll right." Before she could continue Bon smacked her hand of his hand. I was honestly started at what Asuna had said right in from if me.

I smacked her hand away from me. I looked over at Yukio making sure me and him made eye contact "you can tell him, and give me an F I don't care at this point just as long as I don't have to work with this bitch". You got up and walked out the door.

Rin x Bon  Love Or Not?       |Finished|Where stories live. Discover now