She looks me in the eyes and just stares at me. It's not an uncomfortable stare but more like she is trying to read me. Her smile fades when she stares too long and I start to worry.

"Is everything alright?" I ask and she just continues to look me in the eyes.

"You are so young" she says. "Be careful, my dear." Her voice shakes as if she is worried for me.

"Careful of what?"

She doesn't answer me.

"Be careful of what?" I say a little louder and she still doesn't answer but she hands me over the book.

"Keep it. Read it, it will help you through your darkest days." The book feels light in my hands but it's so big.

"What dark days?" This woman isn't giving me any answers and it's sort of annoying me.

She stands from her seat and I do the same and follow her over to the counter. She doesn't look at me as she pretends to act busy while doing something.

"Please," I grab her hand. Her face looks up at me and her eyes are screaming for me to be careful.

She shakes her head slowly

"Bethany?" Abby's voice makes both of hour heads turn towards the entrance of the shop.

"Please," I beg her. "Tell me what you know."

She lets out a deap breath and I wait for her to answer.

"Be careful who you trust. Your enemies are much closer than you think." She whispers to me and shivers run up my spine.

I look at her with wide eyes but I don't know what to say. I grab the book and place it into one of the shopping bags, nodding her a thank you and leaving the store.

"What with you two and this store?" Abby laughs. "Harry always comes in here. What's so special in there?" She looks over my shoulder to try to look inside the store.

"Nothing." I begin to walk slowly. "Where is Liam?" I change the subject.

"Bathroom." She points across the long hallway to the sign that says 'restrooms'

I feel light headed. My body is sweating and my head is pounding.

"I'll be right back." I tell Abby and rush into the girls bathroom.

I push the door open quickly and luckily no one is in the bathroom. I turn the sink on and splash water onto my face.

'Your enemies are much closer than you think'

'Be careful who you trust'

This woman has been right about everything since Harry has walked into that store the first day. What if what she says is true now?

I don't have enemies though. Sure there are people I dislike but I wouldn't give them the title of being my enemy.

I trust only some people. And those people consist of my friends and harry. I'm not even sure if I trust my parents so they're out of the question.

Abby wouldn't be hiding something from me, would she? Liam?


No he can't. I don't think he would be hiding something from me but if he is what could it be?

The thought of Tiffy comes through my mind.. Harry wouldn't. He can't be-

The bathroom door opens up and a woman with a small child walks in. Her child's big brown eyes look up at me and she shakes her mothers arm.

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