Chapter 4 - On the Run

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❶ "Destiny of a Jedi"—The Rise of Skywalker OST

❶ The Bendell System consisted of a transfer point for long-distance ships and a few elements of the underworld hiding in dark corners of the rocky planet

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❶ The Bendell System consisted of a transfer point for long-distance ships and a few elements of the underworld hiding in dark corners of the rocky planet. When Leia left the transport and entered the station, she was surprised to discover her contact was Lor San Tekka.

The elderly gentlemen still wore his formal cleric robes of soft velvet, which were cut down the middle to reveal brown trousers and an embroidered tunic in rich earth tones. His golden chains of office swung from his chest as he said, "Prin—"

Leia raised her finger to her lips. "Not here. Is there a place we can go where we won't be overheard?" Her amber eyes glanced from side-to-side, looking for an alcove or alley. As she tilted her chin down, her chestnut braids glinted in the harsh fluorescent lighting.

"Follow me," the elderly gentlemen said as he led her and C-3PO down a pristine corridor toward his temporary quarters. "We're perfectly safe here. Oh, Princess, it is good to see you." He took her coat and hugged her in a traditional Alderaanian greeting.

"I prefer Senator these days."

"You will always be royalty to me, Your Highness," he said with a kind smile and twinkle in his eyes. "Refreshment?"


"So, what is your problem? Why did your brother send me to you? It wasn't to reminisce about Alderaan . . ." he said while handing her a glass of juice.

"No, I need your help. You have always been loyal to my family, and I can trust you to be discreet."

"Of course."

"I'm pregnant."

Lor San Tekka let out a breath he had been holding. "Congratulations."

Leia wrung her hands not daring to look him in the face.

He leaned in and touched her clenched fingers. "You're also married, Your Highness. This shouldn't be a problem." The cleric coughed with discretion. "Or, is your husband not the father?"

Leia blushed and lowered her eyes. "No, nothing like that. Han's the father, but he doesn't know. We're not together anymore—I can't tell you why, but he doesn't know. And I don't want him to know," she said as her thoughts rambled.

"If the child is his, he has a right to know."

"San Tekka, he doesn't want to be a father. He never was around for our son Ben, and I don't want to add an extra burden on him now."

"You must do what you think is right, of course," the old man added with a wink. "So where are we going? Hosnian not comfortable enough?"

She stared him in the eyes. "This doesn't leave this chamber. I could be imprisoned for revealing top-secret information from the Senate."

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