"And how will that work out if you make it on the show?" Simon asked. She looked a little worried so I shot him a look too.

"I'll figure something out," She said with a smile.

"And what about your parents? You said you were a foster kid right? So where are your real parents?"

Anna's POV

"And what about your parents? You said you were a foster kid right? So where are your real parents?" Simon asked. 

"Um I don't really know," I said holding back tears. I didn't want them to pity me so I lied. Plus if I had told them the truth I would have been sobbing. It was hard enough to tell the about the cancer. "Can I sing now?"

"Of course, what are you going to be singing?" Demi asked flashing me a smile. She was even more perfect in person than she was in pictures. I had to keep my calm and hold myself together though.

"I was going to sing an original but I changed my mind last minute so I'm going to sing Part of Your World from The Little Mermaid," Simon just looked at me like he was surprised. But I just ignored him and started singing trying to control my nerves.

Demi's POV

"I was going to sing an original but I changed my mind last minute so I'm going to sing Part of Your World from The Little Mermaid," I was kind of shocked at her answer. I had never heard anyone sing that song for an audition before. As soon as she opened her mouth to sing I was glad she choose that song. She literally had the voice of an angel. In the beginning she started out quite and she was shaking all over but as the song went on she grew more more comfortable. She was so adorable singing that song. I realized that the song meant something to her because she got really into it and you could tell her emotions were real. Once she got towards she end she was belting it. I was so surprised that that sound could come out of such a tiny body. The last couple lines she got quite again and her voice sounded so angelic. When she stopped singing I noticed I was crying the other judges laughed at me for crying at a song from The Little Mermaid but I didn't care. All four of us judges stood up to applaud her. The whole audience was standing too. That was the best audition I had ever heard.

Anna's POV

I had sang the end of the song with my eyes closed to try to distract myself from trying to read the expressions on the judges faces. I opened my eyes when I was done singing and everyone was on their feet. Demi was even crying. I couldn't help myself. I burst out in tears of mixed emotions. I turned around and covered my face throwing my head back and I thanked God. I turned around and Demi stood up motioning to come to her so I did. She pulled me into a tight hug. It felt so good. I couldn't remember the last time I had a hug. Of course the sobs started again. The hug lasted for a few seconds then I pulled back wiped my eyes and went back up on the stage. 

Demi's POV

When Anna saw the impact she had on the audience she turned around and started sobbing. I understood the message she had given by singing that song but I don't think anyone else did. I think all they heard was her amazing voice. I just wanted to hug her and never let go. When the audience died down and she turned back to face us I motioned at her to come over to me. I stood up and wrapped my arms around her tiny body. I'm short but she was tiny compared to me even. She was really tense and she was shaking. I stared rubbing her back and she relaxed and buried her head into my chest. I felt her sobbing again. I held her until she pulled away from me. She turned around not even looking at me and made her way back to the stage. She was smiling again, trying to hide her emotions. Kelly started talking because I was still trying to gather my thoughts.

"All I can say is wow! I was not expecting that voice to come out of that tiny tiny body! I'm speechless," Anna laughed at Kelly's remark about how small she was.

"Kelly took the words out of my mouth," Paulina said. I was my turn to talk. Anna was looking at me nervously. I looked her dead in the eyes.

"That song was the perfect choice," The other judges nodded in agreement with my statement. "Not just because of how it fit your voice, but the meaning of it," The judges looked at me like I was crazy. "They don't understand but I do, I am really amazed by your story and the fact that you were able to get up here just 2 weeks after having brain surgery! I think everyone can learn something from you." She was smiling with the tears in her eyes again. "Plus you're really tiny and its adorable," I added making her laugh.

"I agree with Demi about the song being a good fit for your voice, I don't really understand what she thinks the meaning of it is but anyway, I'm completely amazed that that voice came out of that body and the fact that you just had brain surgery two weeks ago. It just doesn't make sense! I don't believe you," Anna giggled and swore that she was telling the truth. She was just so cute it was insane. "One thing that I really like about you is that I don't think you realize how good you really are," Simon added. Anna shook her head in disbelief. "I think were ready to vote."

Anna's POV

I couldn't believe the things the judges were saying about me. Were they like deaf or something? I wasn't nearly as good as they were making me out to be. They were probably just saying that for sympathy. "I think were ready to vote." Simon said.

"Its a yes from me," Kelly said. I was shocked when I heard yes.  I thought for sure it was gonna be a no.

"Yes," Paulina said. I was shaking I couldn't believe it. Just one more yes and I was through!

" A million times yes!" Demi said smiling at me. I cupped my hand over my mouth in shock.

"This is the easiest yes I've ever given," Oh my God! I couldn't believe it. I stood there in shock then I remembered to thank them so I picked up the mic getting ready to thank them when Jake ran on stage picked me up and spun me around. 

"I told you you could do it," He said to me as he spun me. I was laughing and crying at the same time. He sat me down still hugging me. I turned my head to face the judges and they all had huge grins on. Demi winked at me with that suspicious look on her face again which made me and her laugh. I mouthed thank you to them and me and Jake walked off the stage.


Some of you guys are probably wondering what meaning Part of Your World has to Anna. For Anna the world that she's singing about is like all the happy healthy people that have their families and everything and how she wants to be part of that instead of being suicidal, depressed, and sick.

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