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(Because I made you guys wait a REALLY long time, here is another chapter)

Draco's POV

    "Occidere" I glanced over to Hermione, she seemed lost in thought. I wanted her attention so I could see her before this spell took control. There was only one known way to fix this spell, and even I didn't know about it. All I knew was right now, I was in some serious pain. I lurched forward, looking at my father with fear. Why would he do this? I keeled over, screaming in agony. He was a psychopath, no normal person would enjoy hearing there child scream like this, right? 

    Hermione snapped out of her trance, instantly crying when she saw me. 30 seconds, that was how long I had left until the spell took control. She was begging his to stop, but of course that wouldn't help at all.

    The pain was unbearable, I was shredding my vocal chords from all the screaming I was doing. My organs felt as if they were being burned inside of my body. Until finally It stopped. I realize I have no control over my limbs, and I just had to watch weakly as my body, with a different mind, took control of the situation.

Hermione's POV

    He had finally stopped screaming, I had assumed that that meant Lucius had stopped. I ran over to Draco, engulfing him in a hug, only to be slapped to the ground. I looked at him, confused, why would Draco do such a thing? I got up, my cheek stinging. I felt like a wimp, Draco went through this times ten almost every day, yet I was crying after one slap. I reached up, soothing my cheek.

    "Draco?" I tried to touch him, only to be put in a chokehold. I gasped, desperately grabbing at his sleeve, trying to make him let me go. "Pl-Please S-S-stop.." He was crushing my vocal chords, making my throat close in. It was almost impossible to breathe.

    He finally let me drop. I fell to the ground, scattering away from him. I was gasping, grabbing at my throat. I glanced up at him with absolute terror. Tears dripping down my cheeks. I was a blubbering mess, I was at a loss for what to do. I really wanted to help him, but I had no idea how to do that.

Draco's POV (Sorry for all the Pov changes)

    I saw myself choking Hermione. tears streamed down my face. 

    "NO! Stop! WHY?" I was continuously shouting at myself. I didn't know how to make it stop, I had no control over anything. I hurt to see Hermione injured. I scratched at my arms, hoping that if I made a deep enough scratch It would hurt the possessed me. But no matter how much I hurt myself, the visible me didn't didn't get hurt.

Hermione's POV

    I could see a hint of sadness in Draco's eyes. But he never stopped. No matter how much I begged, he didn't stop. I had almost given up, I was huddled in a corner, getting beaten up by my only true friend. I just tried to think of different ways to make him snap out of it. 

    That's when he realized, he doesn't just have his hands and legs. He had his wand to. 

    "lutum a sanguine" He hissed, vengeance shining in his eyes. My blood turned cold. He used that spell?? It hurt so bad! I had lost the will to speak a while ago, but this new found pain made me scream.

    This spell was an ancient torture spell that was only able to be used on muggle born witches or wizards. It is more formally known as 'The Mudblood Curse' This curse lasts five to seven minutes, and is potentially deadly. It's method of torture? Turning your blood to quicksand. It makes your veins run with thick sand, scraping your entire body. it's slow speed prevents you from getting blood supply, so you feel extremely lightheaded and cold. Depending on how strong your vains are, you have a very high risk of bursting your veins and blood vessels.

    I was almost dead by the time the curse stopped, I felt a huge rush of warmth the moment it stopped. It was the most relieving feeling ever. While I was under the influence of that curse i had thought of a plan.

"Legilimency" I whispered, pointing my wand at Draco through the hem of my cloak. Images immediately flashed through my mind. Images of us, Images of him and his father, Images of him crying alone, grasping his head, fighting what seemed like voices. And finally A few images of him watching himself hurt me, tears were streaming down his face. in other pictures he was screaming at himself to stop. It broke my heart. I realized if I wanted to figure out a way to fix him I had to put him to sleep.

    So that's what I did, I put him in a magically induced coma. His father had left a while ago, in the middle of him hurting me, so I didn't need to worry about him right now. He fell limp to the floor, I rushed to his side, ignoring all the bruises that screamed on the way down. I hugged him to my chest, sobbing uncontrollably.

(hope you like it :D)

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