Chapter 67 - Mistake

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Harry's POV

I knew Aria was still upset over the fact that her parents didn't contact her when Noelle was born. I know they didn't talk to her before her pregnancy but I think that she just wants her parents to be proud of her for once.

I really don't know how her parents can go to sleep at night knowing they have a daughter out there they just simply don't talk to anymore. Now that I'm a dad myself, I know that I'll never do that to Noelle. Waiting 9 months for that baby and spending the rest of life with them and just one day deciding not to talk to her anymore. How can you do that? And to your own flesh and blood.

For the rest of the day Aria tried to hide her sadness but I could see right through her. I knew she wasn't okay. I could jump on a plane and fly out to South Africa to talk to them but I know Aria wouldn't want that.

My family left about five minutes ago. Aria is up in Noelle's room putting her to sleep. That gives me the perfect opportunity I have in mind to help my beautiful fiancee.

Picking up my phone, I walk to the kitchen and close the door behind me. I put my phone on speaker phone before I started to wash the dishes for Aria, knowing she is tired after the events of today.

"Hello?" The familiar deep, scary voice greets me.

"Hi, sir. This is Harry Styles speaking." I was met with silence for a while before Aria's father decided to speak to me.

"Harry." He says in that deep, intimidated voice. "Didn't expect to hear from you."

"Me neither, sir. But I'm doing this for Aria because I love her."

"Yeah.. thought so. Listen son, I really don't have anything to say to Aria or you. She disrespected me as her father, not listening to my wishes and then? Then she fell pregnant before marriage. And you, I talked to you about this that weekend we met you. I told you to not even try sleeping with her, if you want to, you ask her to marry you. But what did you do? You were a coward, choosing to sleep with her and not man up like a real man and marry her." Everything he said just made my blood boil. I know he told me this and I know I should've listened to him but me and Aria, we have a special relationship. I think we both knew we would end up marrying each other.

"I know, sir and I'm truly sorry I disrespected you in that way. It kind of just happened and-"

"Yeah, and it kind of just happened that you guys now sit with a baby for the rest of your lives. That baby will always remind you of that night, it will always remind you that you never really wanted it, that it was a mistake. It's the same like Aria, she was never planned she was a drunken mistake her mother and I had one night. How can you love a mistake? Something you never wanted. I-"

"Excuse me?" I interrupted him. I couldn't stand that he is talking about my daughter and fiance' like that. I know he is Aria's "dad" but that gives him no right to talk about my family like that. And what is he even talking about Aria being a mistake? "Sir, you can insult me all you want but don't you dare insult my daughter and fiance' like that. You have no right! How can you feel like that to your own daughter?! Your own flesh and blood! Yeah, maybe she was a mistake then but she is still yours. Does she even know about this?"

"No, Harry. But if she didn't figure it out the way I treated her then she is really stupid. Caleb was planned, Layla was planned, it was just Aria that was the odd one out, the mistake. I never wanted her, when her mother found out she was pregnant with her I told her to get an abortion but she wanted her, I never did. Her mother loved her but in my eyes she was just a burden, a mistake I never loved."

There were a moment of silence. My blood boiling from how angry I am right now. I can't believe the words that's coming out of his mouth right now. When I first met him, he was so protective of Aria. Was that just to hide his true self or to make me just suffer?

"I'm sorry you feel that way about Aria." I try to say in a gentle voice. "I actually just called to let you know that Aria is beating herself up, not knowing why you wouldn't talk to her, guess she won't ever want to talk to you anyways when she finds out about this. Also, our baby was born a week ago. She's a beautiful baby girl with the name Noelle. She was born on Christmas day. And Aria and I are getting marred, I'm not such a coward that slept with her, got her pregnant and took off.actually love Aria with my whole heart and I'm sorry her own father never felt that why. But don't worry, sir. I will make her happy and give her and my daughter the love both of them deserve. In my eyes, none of them were a mistake. Both of them gave me a purpose in life. I hope  you have a great evening, sir. I don't think you be hearing from us any time soon. Give my love to Mrs. Smith as well. Good bye." And with that I end the call, not even staying to hear what he has to say. I still can't believe the words that left his mouth tonight.

With a sign, I dry up my hands, managed to wash the dishes in the awful phone call. Just as I put the cloth down I hear a sniff behind me. Turning around, I saw a image I never wanted to see, ever.

Aria stood by the door, arms folded over her body with tears streaming down her face. I didn't even hear her coming in, to much distracted with the phone call I had.

I knew she heard the phone call, why else would she be crying?

"How much did you hear?" I ask with a sign, stepping over to her and brought her in my arms. Immediately her small arms wrap tightly around my waist, crying into my chest.

"Everything." She mumbled between sobs. I knew her heart was broken, I mean to hear that from you parent, the one that was suppose to love you, protect you, feel that way about you is heartbreaking. I never should've put my phone on speaker, knowing she'll hear.

I tried calming her down, kissing her hair, cheek and neck every few seconds but she was still crying. It truly broke my heart to see her like this and I hated her father for making her feel like this. He doesn't deserve to be a dad, he is a mistake to fatherhood.

I don't know how long we stood in the middle of the kitchen but at some point all she gave out was little sniffles and silent tears falling every now and then on my t-shirt. I picked her up bridle-style and walked upstairs to our bedroom. I carefully laid her down in bed, gave her a kiss and told her I would be with her in a second. I went back downstairs to make sure the house is locked and turned the lights off. I went to Noelle's room to make sure she was fine and still asleep before I made my way back to our room.

I found her in the exact place I left her, still with tears falling from her eyes. With sad eyes I got undressed and slipped in next to her with just my boxers on. Immediately I pulled her into my chest and gave her a kiss on top of her head.

"Everything makes more sense now." She mumbled against my bare chest. "Why he always acted like that, because he.. he.. didn't want me." And then she started crying again.

I tried my best to comfort her and make her feel my love for her. Complimenting, kissing her every where I could reach. And then finally she fell asleep. lying against my chest with tear stained cheeks.

I hated seeing her like this. I will make sure she never goes through this pain again and I will make sure her 'dad' never see or speak to her again. He made her feel like this, he doesn't even deserve to breath the same air as she. He will never get near my family ever again, I will personally make sure about it.


PLOT TWIST!! Did you see that coming?
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All the love ❤️

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