Chapter 32 - What do you want from my daughter?

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Harry's POV

So, what do you like to do Scar?" I ask the little girl sitting on my bed while I'm busy unpacking.

"I like barbie dolls." She says with a giggle. She is the most adorable little girl. I bet she and Lux would be great friends.

"Well, maybe you, me and auntie Ari could walk around town tomorrow and see if we can buy you a barbie doll. Would you like that?" I ask Scar walking over to her. "Would you?" I ask again while tickling the little girl. Her joyful giggles fulls the room while I tickle her.

"What's going on here?" I turn to look at the doorway and there stands my beautiful girl with a smile on her face.

"Uncle Hawy buying me barbie doll." Scar says with a smile. It's so cute how she can't really pronounce her r's like when she says uncle Harry.

"Oh is he now?" Aria asks with a smirk. Scarlet only nod her head up and down. "Let's go downstairs? I want to help my mom with dinner." Aria says looking at me. I nod my head and pick Scar up and tickle her a little bit more as we walk down the stairs.

"Who is giggling like that?" Courtney asks with a smile looking at her giggling daughter when we come into the kitchen.

"Mommy! S-save me from uncle Hawy!" Scar says in between giggles. Courtney comes over and 'save' little Scar from the tickle monster.

"Be careful Scar, the tickle monster is going to get you later." I watch her lying her head on her mum's shoulder with a smile on her beautiful little face.

"No! Daddy is going to keep me save." She says with a giggle.

"Daddy will sure protect his princess from the tickle monster." Caleb says to his daughter kissing her cheek.

Courtney put Scarlet at the kitchen island with a color in book and some crayons. Aria and Courtney start to help Christine to prepare the food.

"Harry?" Aria's dad asks, "Are you coming with me and Caleb to start the BBQ? I'm sure you don't want to stay here with the women."

"Um.. y-yeah sure." I say clearing my throat. Neil and Caleb walk out of the kitchen to the backyard to start the BBQ. Aria must have seen my nervous expression on my face because she comes over to me and gives me a peck on the lips whispering that's it's going to be okay.

"You don't have to go if you don't want to." She says looking into my eyes.

"No no. I need to win your dad and brother over and this is the perfect opportunity. So.. I guess I'll go. Don't worry about me, baby. Enjoy your time here with you mum." I say giving her one last kiss on the lips before walking out of the backdoor to the backyard.

When I got outside Neil and Caleb is busy already starting the BBQ. I walk over to them and take a seat next to Caleb.

"You want a beer Harry?" Caleb asks me.

"Um, yeah sure." Caleb reach into the cooler next to his chair grabbing a beer and giving it to me. "Thanks." I thank him opening my beer and taking a sip.

"So Harry." Aria's dad begins, "I heard your a singer? In a band?"

"Yes sir, it's One Direction." I say taking another sip of my beer. It feels like I'm being questioned by the police when you did something wrong.

"Oh, and do you enjoy it?"

"Yes sir, very much. It's been my dream since I was a little lad. I like to set for myself goals in life and I'll do anything to achieve that goals." I say proudly.

"Well, I hope my daughter is one of your goals." Neil says placing the food on the BBQ.

"Yes sir, she most definitely is." I say with a smile on my face. Just thinking about my beautiful girl brings a smile to my face.

"You know Harry. I think this is what most dad's would do if their daughter dated an international popstar but I looked you up on google cause your whole life is literally on google. And you know what I found?" He says turning to me. This is what I was afraid of. People judging me based on what they find on the internet. Most of that stuff is not true, just a bunch of shit that they make up to make their magazine look good.

"What did you find, sir?" I ask looking directly at him.

"I found you with a lot of other girls. And they don't talk very nice about you and the girls. They say you only use the girls to get in their pants. You can't stay in a long, committed relationship and jump from girl to girl. Now Harry, I need to know that your not only using my daughter to get into her pants." Wow, I didn't expect that.

"Sir, I got to admit, when I was younger I was out of control. I did use girls for my own benefit but that all changed before I met Aria. Everyone was tired of my nonsense and I don't think that even Aria knows this but she makes me a better person. I really love your daughter, sir and I would do anything to make her happy. I really see a future with her and I can as sure you that I'm not only with her to get in her pants. I respect her and I would never force her in anything that she doesn't want to do. Sir, I'm so madly in love with your daughter that I would even take a bullet for her. I really love her deeply." Wow, that was a mouth full but he needs to know that I'm not using Aria and I would never force her in anything.

The room fell silent after my little speech. I just sit there awkwardly waiting for one of them to replay.

"I like you Harry. You look like a nice guy for my sister, what do you say dad?" Caleb says from next to me. I'm quite surprised he was quite the whole time.

Neil stands by the BBQ just staring at me. His stare makes me nervous. He then puts his bottle of beer down and walk over to me.

"Harry." He says in his deep voice, "I trust you. I believe your good for my daughter and I never seen her this happy before. Not even with Brandon when everything was still good between them. You need to know if I find out you're anything like Brandon I won't hesitate to kill you."

"You got my word, sir." I say with a relieve. He doesn't hate me.

"You know the story about Brandon, right?" Caleb asks me.

"Yeah, Aria told me. And believe me sir, I would never hurt Aria on purpose. If I ever lay a hand on her I think I'll kill myself before you get to me." I joke getting a smile in return from Neil. "And if I ever see this Brandon guy I think I would kill him."

"Yeah, I can't believe she went through that. But if she told you this early in your relationship then she really trust you Harry, don't blew it."

"I won't sir." I stand up to shake his hand.

"And please stop calling me 'sir.' I sound so cool and dangerous." He says with a chuckle, "Just call me Neil. Welcome to the family Harry! I hope you enjoy your time here with us." Neil says giving me a hug.

"Welcome Harry!" Caleb was next to give me hug. Thank goodness they accept me!

We finish outside with the BBQ. When we were done we went inside the house and found the table already ready. I take a seat next to my beautiful girl placing a kiss on her cheek.

"Was everything fine?" She whispers to me so only I can hear.

"More than fine, baby." I say smiling at her. She looks at me with a confuse look. "I'll tell you everything tonight before we go to bed.. in our separate rooms." She gives me a shy smile, turning back to her plate of food in front of her.

Maybe this is going to be a fun trip. Her whole family accept me and I couldn't be more relieved. I just hope I don't do anything to screw this up.


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Till next time! XXX

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