Chapter 26 - Official

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Aria's POV

Last night Harry and I had an amzing time. After Char left to go on her date with Niall we decided to watch a movie. Well, we fooled around more then watching the movie really. We threw popcorn at each other and threw it in the air and see if we can catch it in our mouths. Eventually we fell asleep.

I woke up this morning, still on the couch with Harry's head lying on my chest snuggling up to me.

I smile down at him. Still hearing his quite snores.

I can't believe I got so lucky to have this amazing guy in my life that I love very much and not planning to let go of him very soon.

I truly see a future for us. Getting married, having children. That's all I ever wanted, a happy and loving husband to have lovely kids with.

I got snapped out of my day dream when I felt Harry stir in his sleep. I look down and found my hand playing with his hair. Sometimes I just can't help it. His hair is so soft and curly.

I still play with his hair looking up at he ceiling. Then I felt him move and look down at him. I got caught in that beautiful green eyes of his.

"Good morning love." He says in his raspy morning voice.

I couldn't help but smile at him, "Good morning babe." I say back to him.

"Mhmm." He says closing his eyes.

"What?" I ask giggling.

"I love it when you play with my hair like that." He says smiling at me.

"Oh you do?" I tease him.

"Yeah and I love you." He says leaning in to give me a kiss but I pull away.

He looks confused at me.

"I love you too but we have morning breath."

"Oh come on love, just give me a kiss." Harry whines.


"Then I won't get off you."

"You don't have to." I say teasing him.

"Please love? Baby? Princess?"

"No Harry." I say giggling at the cute names he gave me.


"Yes Harry?" I say looking down at him. Suddenly he just shot up and gave me a loving kiss on my lips.

"Harry!" I shriek but smile at him that he knows I'm not mad at him. I actually wished he would find a way to kiss me..

"Yeah babe?" He says giving me an innocent smile.

"Your love makes me sick." We hear a voice say and look in front of us to see Char standing there with a smirk on her face.

"Well thank you Char. You know, we try." Harry says giggling. That was the most adorable sound ever! Charlotte just playfully roll her eyes at Harry.

"So? How was your date?" I ask Char.

"Oh Ari! It was amazing." She says running to the couch and sitting beside me.

"Well... I'm going to go.." Harry says standing up slowly.

"What? Why?" Charlotte asks him.

"Cause I don't want to hear about all your girly stuff. I'll just hang out with the lads. Bye baby, I'll see you later." Harry says kissing me again and walking to the room to get ready.

"Tell me everything!" I say as soon as Harry is out of he way.

"Okay, well he picked me up and was like very nervous. It was actually kind of cute to be honest. Then he took me to a restaurant that isn't to fancy. We talked and laughed and I could see he was starting to relax a little. When we were done with dinner he putted a blindfold over my eyes wanting our next destination to be a surprise. After what felt like hours he finally took the blindfold off and I found myself in our very own drive in. It was really sweet of Niall, he said he remembered me saying that I always wanted to go to a drive in so he made one for ourselfs."

"Aww, that's really sweet of him. I remember you telling me aswell when we were in the 9th grade that you really want to go to a drive in."

"Exactly. So after our 'drive in' we walked around a little and he asked me to be his girlfriend." She says blushing.

"What? So you guys are official now?" I ask with smile on my face.

"Yeah, we're official." She says smiling brightly.

You could see in her eyes that she was truly happy. I'm really happy for her, she deserves a nice guy that will treat her well and I think Niall is that guy.

"Char! I'm so happy for you!" I shriek and pull her into a hug.

Harry's POV

After Charlotte came into the room and starting to talk about her date I walked away, not really so interested in that but now Niall is also talking about it! I escape that conversation just to walk back into it. But his my best mate and I like to see him this happy.

"And then she said yes." Niall says with a big smile on his face.

Wait? What? I wasn't really paying attention to the conversation so what did she say yes to?

"What did she say yes to?" I ask Niall.

He just rolls his eyes, knowing I didn't really payed attention to the conversation.

"I ask Charlotte to be my girlfriend and she said yes." He says.

Wow, they kinda moved fast but I'm glad for him. He really deserve a nice girl and I really think Charlotte is that girl.

"So Harry. Aria's birthdays coming up. What are you going to get her?" Louis asks.

"Well, I haven't thought about that really. Guess I should talk to her a bit to find out what she likes and what she wants. I did actually wrote her a song that I'm planning to sing to her." I actually forgot about her birthday coming up. Does that make me a bad boyfriend? But the song.. I actually was kinda working on it for a while for her and I hope she likes it. 

"Just don't make it obvious. Girls like to be surprised even though the say they don't they secretly do." Zayn says winking at me.

What am I going to get her? Guess we have to play like 21 questions so I can find out what she likes.

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