Chapter 68 - I love you

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Aria's POV

Everything is settled. It's been 6 months since that day my dad confessed his hate towards me and in this time Harry and I started planning our wedding just to get my mind of things. We didn't plan to get married this soon, only wanted to actually plan our wedding when Noelle was at least one year old but now that everything is done, we can't wait to finally tie the knot and be a family officially.

Today I have my final dress fitting before the big day that is actually this Saturday. I still can't believe that in less than four days I'll be married to the man of my dreams, the man I'm madly in love with.

I actually got my dress made by a famous designer. Anne and Gemma took me to some boutiques but I just didn't find my dream dress, so after two months of not finding my dress, Harry insisted that I get my dream dress made.

"Baby? You almost done? My mum and Gemma will be here in less than 20 minutes." Harry says walking into the nursery where I'm busy breast feeding Noelle. Harry was really grossed out about the whole breast feeding thing but he quickly got used to it after a few days. It's only to get his daughter healthy and strong.

"Yeah, could you burp Noelle?" I ask pulling my shirt up to cover myself.

"Yeah sure. Come to daddy." With a smile Harry walks over to us and takes Noelle from my grasp immediately kissing her little cheek.

Harry is such a good daddy and I can tell Noelle is a daddy's girl. If she can be in his arms every minute of every hour she would without a doubt.

With a smile I walk out the room to get ready. I hear Harry talking to Noelle what just brights up my smile.


"Wow Aria, that dress really is beautiful on you." Anne says with tears in her eyes. I look at her with a smile on my face. "I can't believe you guys are getting married in four days."

"Me neither." I replay with with a smile. In four days I will be Mrs Styles. Wow, I like the sound of that.

"Are you happy, mam?" The designer asks me.

I look at him with a smile on my face. "More than happy." I replay looking at myself in the mirror again.

I can't believe that is me. In four days I'm going to walk down the aisle with this gorgeous dress finally marrying my dream man.

Harry's POV

"So Harry, in four days you're a married man." Niall says with a smirk on his lips. I couldn't help but smile at the thought of Aria finally being my wife, my forever.

I invited the guys over to catch up while Aria is busy with her dress fitting. Noelle is sleeping on my chest while we watch the game.

"Yeah, I can't believe it guys." I say with a smile still on my face looking at my beautiful daughter sleeping on my chest.

"Oh wow! Never saw the day Harry Styles was whipped over a girl." Louis says sarcastically. I look up to him giving him a glare.

"Oh shut up, Louis. Lets not talk about you and Eleanor. I'm sure there's a baby on the way." I say with a smirk knowing Louis and Eleanor can't keep their hands off each other.

"No Haz, you see, the difference between me and you is that I know how to use protection." All the guys start laughing at Louis comment but I can't help but scoff.

I'm proud to have Noelle, I wouldn't want my life any other way. Yeah, Aria and I may be young and all but we sure as hell don't regret having Noelle.

"Whatever Louis." I mutter under my breath looking at the TV again. I feel Noelle start moving on my chest before little whimpers comes out of her tiny mouth. Looking at the time I know she is hungry so I stand up to go make her a bottle.

It's always a struggle when Aria is not home. Noelle absolutely hate the bottle. she would much prefer mummy's nipples.

"Come on baby girl, I know it's not mummy's nipple but this thing also give you some food." I talk in a baby voice when Noelle starts crying when I tried to put the bottle in her mouth. I try to 'shhh' her while rocking her back and forth trying to put the bottle in her mouth.

"Really Harry?" I look up at the beautiful sound of my fiance's voice. Aria stands in the doorway of the kitchen, her arms crossed over her chest with a smirk on her face. I breath out a sign of relieve to see Aria. Now Noelle can stop crying and get what she wants.

"Thank goodness you're home. Noelle wants your nipples." With a laugh Aria walks over to me and take Noelle from my arms and giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Good to know my nipples are good enough." Aria says pulling her shirt down. When Noelle's mouth made contact with Aria's nipples she immediately started sucking.

My eyes go big when I remember the guys are still here. I don't want them to walk in on Aria breast feeding my daughter.

"Um, baby? I think you should do that in the bedroom, the guys are here." I try to explain.

"Oh, they just went out. Said something doing something, I don't know. They said goodbye and will call you soon." Great to know my friends will personally say goodbye to me...

I nod my head and look at the time again. 20:00 pm.

"Should I start making dinner?" I ask walking over to the fridge.

"Oh no, I got us some takeouts." Aria replays burping Noelle and pointing to the bag on the counter. I nod walking over to the bag and getting the food out. Aria walks up the stairs to put Noelle to bed after giving her a bath so I start to put our food on plates. Before I know it Aria is back and we start to eat on our food.

After dinner we quickly take a bath together before lying down on bed. Noelle is starting to sleep through the night, which really helps a lot. Just as Aria lays down next to me, I roll over and straddle her giving her a kiss on the lips.

"I can't wait till we're finally married." I say with a smile on my face. Aria was stunned for a few seconds but she immediately stared smiling giving me another kiss.

"Me neither." She whispers against my lips giving it another peck.

Soon our simple kissing turns out into a make-out session. Articles of clothes flying and the sound of kissing the only thing heard in the silent house.

"I love you so much, soon to be Mrs Styles." I look deeply into Aria's brown eyes, meaning every word I say.

"And I love you, Mr Styles." She says kissing my lips again.


Hey guys!!

So sorry for not updating in quite a while... I was super busy and to be honest, I had some writers block. I rewrote this chapter about four times so I hope it came out okay...

Thanks again for all your love and support, guys! I really REALLY appreciate it!

Stay beautiful guys!

All the love

Our Hollywood Love StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora