Chapter 48 - Sophie Trouble

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Harry's POV

I slowly open my eyes. The sun is streaming through the thin curtains of the hotel we're staying at. Something feels different today. I feel... Happy? More lively? Like I can take the world on all by myself.

I look down at the pressure on my chest. There is the most beautiful girl in the world lying on my chest.

Suddenly all the memories of last night came running back into my mind. I couldn't help but smile down at Aria. Last night was magical. Perfect even. Getting to experience something like that with the one you love dearly is so much better than all of those meaningless one night stands I had in the past. I would never wish to go back to my old life, my life with Aria is perfect.

I never felt about a girl like this before. Never once was I afraid to lose her, to be someone that isn't me just so that she likes me. And the scariest part? Never had I ever saw a future with someone after Sophie. After she cheated on me it felt like the whole world came crashing down on me. I thought I would never get someone again that I felt I want to spend the rest of my life with. But then Aria came and crushed all my walls down.

I see a future with Aria. I see us getting married and starting a family. She is different. A good different. And I love everything about her.

I feel Aria move on my chest. I look back down at her and are met with her beautiful brown eyes that always seem to sparkle.

"Good morning baby." I stroke her chocolate brown hair with my hand while I look into her brown eyes.

"Good morning." She smiled back at me. She moved up my chest and gave me a quick peck on the lips before settling down beside me on the bed.

"How are you feeling?" I ask running my fingers through her long hair. I can't help but stare at the beautiful women laying beside me.

"I'm okay." She whispers back with a sweet smile on her lips. I only nod and lean down to give her a kiss on the lips.

"Last night was magical." She whispers against my lips. I pucker my lips against hers and give her a kiss again.

"It was, baby. You sure you're feeling okay today?" I ask again only leaning back a little bit to look in her eyes.

"I'm feeling great." She says again and then lean in again to give me another kiss.

Like always our harmless kissing turns into a full steam making out session. But I'm not complaining. I love kissing my girl.


"And then I was like.. Jeff, you know I can't do that dance move. What? Do you want me to break my hip or something?" Aria goes on about a story with her dance teacher this afternoon.

Aria and I were at a coffee shop at the end of the street. After a full day of practice and sound check I think we both deserve a break and just chat over some coffee.

I can't help but dose off the story Aria is telling me. I have so many things on my mind. I know I should listen to Aria but really, I can't.

After my sound check this afternoon I found someone really interesting in my dressing room.. Sophie. Yeah, Sophie was in my dressing room. Aria was busy with her sound check so she doesn't know about my little visit from Sophie.

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