Chapter 66 - Feeling Sad

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Aria's POV

I'm finally out of the hospital. Noelle is doing great, she is such a good baby. I'm a little nervous to be alone with her, I mean in the hospital I had nurses helping me, and now I'm alone but I'm sure Harry and I will manage.

Robin, Anne and Gemma are visiting today. They made an appearance once while I was in hospital but didn't really want to be a bother. My parents never showed up, they didn't even replay to the text message Harry send them. I'm so over them, really.

I walk over to the fridge, getting the milk out I pumped last night for Noelle. I open the lid of the container when I felt arms wrap around my waist from behind and a kiss pressed to my shoulder.

"I love you." Harry mumbled into my shoulder. I couldn't help the smile that formed on my face. He was truly an amazing daddy. We have been home for about three days now and he couldn't be better. Helping me through the night when Noelle woke up, crying to be fed or getting her dressed for the day.

I can remember the day after I was send home I went to my gynecologist to make sure everything is starting to heal properly. I walked in on Harry giving Noelle a bath before bed time. It was the cutest thing on earth that I ever witnessed. He was talking to her in a baby voice making sure she doesn't cry while he is giving her a bath. She usually cry when I give her a bath but as soon as Harry takes her she is dead quite. A little daddy's girl, she is.

"I love you too, baby." I say turning around to give him a kiss. Our lips meet in a sweet kiss, a kiss I don't want to end. We don't really have "alone" time anymore. All our time is spend with Noelle and in the evenings we are just to tired to even talk to each other. And I don't mean "alone" time as in sleeping together because I can't anyway, but I mean just something simple like kissing.

Just when Harry deepens the kiss, Noelle starts crying. With a sign we both pull apart looking into each other's eyes.

"Just leave her for a second, I just want to kiss you." Harry said capturing my lips between his.

"Harry." I mumble against his lips but my thoughts are gone as soon as his tongue slipped into my mouth.

After Harry was satisfied I walked up the stairs with a smile to our daughter's room.

There, in her white and pink baby bed, lay my precious little daughter.

"Hello, mummy's little angel." I say picking her up and cradling her in my arms. I place a kiss on her tiny little lips before walking back downstairs to the kitchen where her bottle is waiting.

Harry was still in the kitchen, leaning against the counter with a smile on his face as soon as we walked in. I walk over to the bottle and place it in her little mouth. It was a little struggle because she doesn't like the bottle that much but she doesn't really have a choice right now.

I do still breastfeed, the doctor said it's good for her for the first six months or so but the only reason she is drinking from a bottle now is because Anne, Robin and Gemma are coming. I don't exactly know when so it won't be a pretty sight when I'm standing topless feeding Noelle in front of them.

I look up at Harry, him standing in front of us now with a proud smile on his face. He is truly happy to be a daddy, I can't believe I ever doubted him.

"I can't wait till your healed properly and we can make some more babies." He said out of the blue. I look up at him with a shocked face. Noelle is a week old and he is already thinking about more babies.

"You want more babies with me?" I ask. I wasn't quite sure if he wanted some more, I mean Noelle wasn't exactly planned. I didn't think he would want to have some more so soon, to be honest.

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