Chapter 45 - Promise

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Aria's POV

"Come here doggie. Look, I got you some food." I say to the little puppy. We had him for three days now and he still doesn't have a name.

It's Christmas today. All of the boys are coming over today and then tonight we are going to Harry's mom's house. My parents still hasn't contacted me in any way and that's quite upsetting, especially because it's Christmas and I haven't heard anything from them.

"Baby? ... Aria?" I hear Harry's voice coming down the stairs.

"In the kitchen." I call back. I look back down at the puppy still wondering about his name. I can't call him 'doggie' every time.

Not long after Harry walks into the kitchen with a smile on his face. "Merry Christmas, baby." He says giving me a kiss on the lips and then pat the dogs head.

"Merry Christmas to you too." I say with a smile back.

It's been going great between me and Harry. After our fight three days ago Harry has really tried to make me feel special. We are going on tour again soon. I actually can't wait to get back to work. It's so much fun to visit different countries and meet new people. Meeting the fans is the highlight of my day.

"Babe, the boys will be here any minute. Go get dressed, I'll give the dog his food." Harry says and kneel down to the puppy and pet his head again. I nod and walk out of the kitchen. At the door of the kitchen I turn around to ask Harry if the girls are still coming  but stop myself at the sight in front of me.

Harry has the puppy up in the air while the puppy tries to lick his face. The smile on Harry's face is so beautiful. He looks truly happy and that only coming from a puppy. I took my phone out and snap a picture before finally leaving them behind to go and get dressed.

After putting my mascara on the bell to the front door rang. Putting my makeup back in it's place I look at myself one more time in the mirror, feeling satisfied then walk out of the door.

On my way down the stairs I hear multiple voices.

"Aria!" Eleanor says happily when I made myself visible. She runs to me and squeeze the life out of me.

"Hi El." I say with a giggle.

"Super cute outfit." She says after our tight embrace. I thank her before walking to the rest of the girls and boys to say hello.

We all gather in the living room to open presents. When Harry told me the girls are coming as well I had to get them gifts as soon as possible. It wasn't very easy, I mean they can have anything they want but I managed to get them some gifts, I just hope they like them.

Everybody started handing out presents and opening them. In the end I got a makeup kit from Niall, a pair of white boots from Zayn and Perry, a Ihome from Liam and Sophia and eight different phone cases from Louis and Eleanor.

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