Chapter 50 - Over

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Aria's POV

Why can't I just get some lyrics in my head? Like really? What's going on? I can't concentrate at all.

I'm sitting in a coffee shop all alone because I couldn't concentrate with the boys watching a soccer game -not that the coffee shop is helping at all.-

I'm trying to finish the last two songs for my album. Catherine is going crazy cause my album isn't finish yet but it really isn't easy and lyrics don't just fly out of the air into your head and BAM you have a hit song. It takes time and patience. Something Catherine doesn't understand.

I look around the small coffee shop for some inspiration when my eyes landed on her. The one I really don't want to see right now.

I quickly looked down at my notebook again, not wanting her to see me.

"Aria!" So much for not seeing me. She quickly walks over to my table and sat down. Great, now she is sitting down as well.

I put on a fake smile and greet her back. Quickly I took a sip of my coffee to calm my nerves down.

"Where's Harry?" She asks immediately. Of course she would want to know where Harry is.

"Watching the game with the boys. I needed to write some songs and couldn't concentrate with their shouting around me." I respond not really want to talk to her.

"Oh yeah. I remember when Harry and I dated. They can be very loud."

"Yeah." I mumbled back. I really don't want to know about when she and Harry dated. I really don't.

"Listen, I want to talk to you about me visiting Harry. I'm really sorry. I thought he told you so I just assumed-"

"No it's fine. Harry already told me everything." I said cutting her off. I really don't want to hear this story all over again.

"Oh okay. And you guys are fine?" She asked confused.

"Yeah? Why wouldn't we be?" I ask back taking another sip of my coffee.

"Oh, well I'm glad you aren't mad about the kiss. Harry really freaked out. It was kinda funny to be honest and-"

"Wait? Kiss?" I ask with my eyebrows furrowed.

"Yeah, we kissed inside his dressing room the first night I went there. Harry didn't tell you?"

No! Harry didn't mention anything about a kiss!

"Oh shit! With that face I assume he didn't tell you?" Sophie goes on. I look up at her face trying really hard to keep the tears inside and to not slap her right across her face.

"You're assuming right." I said pulling money out for my coffee and putting all my stuff back in my bag.

"I'm sorry Aria. When you said he told you everything I thought he told you about the kiss as well."

I couldn't look at her any longer so I stood up and walked outside to my Range Rover. How could Harry do something like that? He knows how it feels to be cheated on but there he goes and do exactly the same with me.

I couldn't go back to the hotel and face him just yet. I don't know if we'll still be together after this because he cheated on me. How can I trust him again?

I decided to just have some time for myself and went to a salon to get a message. I really need one right now.


Step for step I walked slowly towards my hotel door. Harry has left several messages and missed calls that I didn't even bother to check or answer. He left so many scars on me.

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