Chapter 65 - Noelle

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Please read author's note at the end of the chapter!

Harry's POV

I still couldn't believe our baby girl was finally here. After 9 months, or more like 7 for me before I first found out, our precious, beautiful baby girl was here.

Aria was in the hospital bed, sleeping. I think giving birth can really drain you out. I feel bad for her, though. She was in so much pain just to give us our daughter but I'm sure she won't change a thing about it. I mean I would never even dream to change anything about it.

Maybe I was meant to forget to put a condom on that night. Not only did it give me a beautiful baby girl but Noelle brought me and Aria back together. I know it's weird to think like this, but if Aria never fell pregnant I'm sure Aria still wouldn't even look at my way. Noelle changed that, she gave me my queen back and I got a princess out of the deal.

Noelle started stirring in her sleep, snapping me out of my daydream. I quickly stood up, not wanting her to wake Aria up. I know she needs the rest, she was in pain for a very long time.

"Hey, baby girl." I talk to Noelle in a baby voice when I picked her up. I walk back to my seat on the chair just admiring Noelle.

She was absolutely a beautiful baby and she was all mine. Well, mine and Aria's. She had chestnut brown hair that had a little curl at the end. Just like mine. She had my dimples but Aria's mouth and nose. Her eyelashes were very long, I think she got that from Aria as well. And then her eyes. I've never seen anything like it before. Her eyes were a mixture of my green and Aria's brown. Absolutely perfect if you ask me.

I couldn't stop staring at her. She was absolutely perfect. I still couldn't believe that I helped create something so precious. Something so beautiful. This little baby in my arms is half me, half Aria and I love her unconditional.

"Harry?" I heard Aria's groggy voice. I look from Noelle to Aria with a smile on my face. I'm still so grateful that, that beautiful women gave me this beautiful baby.

"Hello baby. How are you feeling?" I ask standing up from the chair and walking over to Aria's bed. She looks with a small smile to me and Noelle in my arms.

"I'm doing fine. Just a little bit sore still." She said closing her eyes. I couldn't help but feel bad that she is still in pain but even though it's selfish of me to think like this, I wouldn't like to change it otherwise I wouldn't have this beautiful baby girl in my arms.

"That's understandable, baby. I mean you just popped out a living human being out of your vagina."

"Harry!" She scolds with blood red cheeks.

"What? It's the truth." I say shrugging with a small smirk on my face. I know she always gets embarrassed when I talk dirty to her.

"I know, Harry, but that doesn't mean you can talk about it." It's actually kinda cute that she gets so embarrassed about dirty things. I've know her for more than a year now and she still gets embarrassed about stuff like that in front of me.

"Okay okay, I'm sorry baby. I won't say it again."

"Thank you." She relax against the pillows looking with loving eyes to me than to Noelle.

Noelle starts making noises again like she would start crying at any moment now.

"I think she's hungry. Do you want some of mummy's milk." I talk to Noelle in a baby voice. I look over at Aria who has red cheeks all over again. She is just so sweet.

I hand Noelle over to Aria with a smile. I just love my two girls unconditionally.

"Baby, could you maybe get a nurse for me? I don't really now how to breastfeed and don't want to do something stupid." She looks at Noelle's face while she is speaking to me. I still can't believe I got so lucky to have them both in my life.

"You don't know how to breastfeed? Baby, it's simple. All you do is put the baby's mouth by your nipple and boom, she starts eating." Aria only shakes her head with a smile. I roll my eyes playfully before walking out of the door to get a nurse.

Aria's POV

I still couldn't believe our baby girl is finally here. After 9 whole months she is here.

I look up with a smile when I heard the door open. Harry and one of the nurses walk in, both of them with smiles on their faces.

"Good day, Miss Smith. So I heard you want to breastfeed?" The nurse asked. I only nod, a little bit embarrassed but I guess this is something natural and the nurses work with stuff like this everyday.

The nurse helps me pull my gown down to expose my left breast. She softly took Noelle's face and lead her mouth to my nipple.

I was kinda scared it was going to hurt but as soon as Noelle's mouth found my nipple she immediately started sucking. It was kinda a weird feeling but to be honest it was like I was used to it. It's hard to explain but when your a mom yourself, you'll understand.

Noelle made sucking sounds as she sucked on my nipple. The nurse excuse herself while Harry thanks her. He then walks over to my bed looking down at Noelle with a loving smile.

"I can't believe we made that." He whispered. I look up at him to find tears in his eyes. Harry truly loved Noelle, I could feel and see it. I'm so glad I told him about her.

"Me neither." I mumbled back, looking at Noelle while she is eating.

"Does it hurt?" Harry asks. I scoot over a bit to make space for him next to me. He climbs in the little hospital bed beside me but I really don't care that we are cramped. I love having him close to me.

"It's more like a weird feeling. Hard to explain." I say still looking at Noelle's face. Harry pecks my shoulder also staring at Noelle.

It's so unbelievable that we made something as precious as Noelle and it was all out of love. I know she is made out of love because Harry and I, we love each other. We are made for each other and I sure am happy that I'm spending these moments in life with him.

After everything we went through, we still made it through. We are more stronger that ever, I can feel it.

I love him and Noelle with my whole hart.


Guys! 😬
I'm so sorry for not updating in a while! It's been quite hectic. But, SUPER cute chapter here for you all.

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Great news! The first chapter of my new book is already written. I'm still kinda unsure if I want to make it a mature book or be like this one? Please let me know? I only write what you guys would like.

Till next time, beautiful people.

All the love!

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